Board whackos starting to panic?

Read the new Woodward book coming out on Obama; see what he says about who drove who off the cliff..................

In summary Boehner had a deal to cut spending and raise taxes by $800 billion, but Obama reneged and asked for more taxes.....Boehner ignored Obama who then fumed and pouted, the Senate cut Obama out of the debt negotiations and the rest is history !

Obama punted TWICE on cutting spending, debt and taxes....

The first time was his own Bowles - Simpson plan and the second time was the debt negotiations !

Obama wants to drive us off the financial cliff; his dreams from his father is an America that is neutered, destroyed, dependent and sheepish in the world.
Well, nobody could have lived up to those expectations, never happens. The point is that the song and dance being played out by the repukes is incredibly hypocritical. They did everything possible to try to limit President Obama's success, even at the price of advocating policy that any sane person would know is bad for the country. (see debt ceiling fight comments). And now, as the Big Dog said last night, they base their entire argument on this position: "We trashed the economy, we handed over a country that was losing 750,000 jobs a month to Obama, and he just hasn't fixed the mess that we made fast enough for us. Now, we want you to let us try again and our plan is the same as it was when we trashed the economy and handed it over to Obama: cut taxes on the rich, deregulate, and get rid of the social safety net programs that we have been trying to get rid of forever, social security, medicare, medicaid, etc etc etc." You'd have to be seriously stupid, or someone that suffered some pretty substantial head trauma to buy into this shit. Originally Posted by timpage

All that said, Obama can't work and play well with others. Clinton could. Bush I could. Regan could. LBJ could. Eisenhower could. JFK could-ish. FDR could. Trueman could. Wilson could. Christ even W could. The only ones that can't manage to get ANYTHING it done is Obama, Carter, Hoover and Ford. Obama can't politic; all he can do is campaign. Sorry, he's just not THE guy.

BTW, I encourage you to vote Libertarian. Originally Posted by timpage
It doesn't matter with the Electorial (sp) College. Your Democratic vote doesn't count either. I'm sure like it just as little as you do .

And, we agree on the atrociousness of the GOP platform....hey, the GOP war on women only effects what? 51% of the US population? And it's foisted on women by the 1% of the old, rich white guys that run the GOP. Originally Posted by timpage
Preachin' to the choir. I don't understand poor / working class or non-hyper-religious Republicans. Do people think that if you if they vote Republican that they will be invited to a seat at the table? On the other hand, I don't care for limousine liberals either.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks, Iffy. But the libs won't watch that. Seven lies in under two minutes. Why would anyone trust a thing President Obama says after that? He's a liar. Plain and simple.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Look at Wall Street, and the big bankers and corporations. There you will find the powers behind the power, in both parties. The differences are cosmetic at best. They give us the illusion of choice. Very little will change, if anything.

How much has Obama done, that isn't the continuation of Bush's policies? They are almost identical.
Iffy; this post deserves it's own thread....repost it and I will keep bumping it !

Thanks for posting and reminding those who care to know what a great liar Obama is.

This is a oldie but a goody... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Right on OH; this is very true and evident. It has been confirmed multiple times by journalists and WH observers....

All that said, Obama can't work and play well with others. Clinton could. Bush I could. Regan could. LBJ could. Eisenhower could. JFK could-ish. FDR could. Trueman could. Wilson could. Christ even W could. The only ones that can't manage to get ANYTHING it done is Obama, Carter, Hoover and Ford. Obama can't politic; all he can do is campaign. Sorry, he's just not THE guy.

[/SIZE] Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
All that said, Obama can't work and play well with others. Clinton could. Bush I could. Regan could. LBJ could. Eisenhower could. JFK could-ish. FDR could. Trueman could. Wilson could. Christ even W could. The only ones that can't manage to get ANYTHING it done is Obama, Carter, Hoover and Ford. Obama can't politic; all he can do is campaign. Sorry, he's just not THE guy.

How on earth would we know? Since his first State of the Union Address, the crazies have been yelling at him and refusing to make the slightest concession. Clinton and every other President you cite dealt with a "loyal opposition" who understood that the good of the country requires conceding some points....and they did so. This GOP doesn't do fact, making no concessions is part of their platform (cue Grover Norquist) and one of their talking points. Good of the country be damned.

It doesn't matter with the Electorial (sp) College. Your Democratic vote doesn't count either. I'm sure like it just as little as you do .

Haha. I live in Texas, I'm used to my vote not counting for anything.

Preachin' to the choir. I don't understand poor / working class or non-hyper-religious Republicans. Do people think that if you if they vote Republican that they will be invited to a seat at the table? On the other hand, I don't care for limousine liberals either. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
It's a mystery. It's the one thing I sort of admire about the repukes. Other than the fact that it is based on lies and misinformation, of course.
No BIGGER LIAR than Obama many so fast the teleprompter couldn't keep up counting them !

It's a mystery. It's the one thing I sort of admire about the repukes. Other than the fact that it is based on lies and misinformation, of course. Originally Posted by timpage
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not so much. And, the old rich white guys who run the Democratic party aren't committed to policies that fuck over everybody that isn't a rich, old white guy. A distinction that I bet probably escapes you. Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah. Right. That's the ticket.
How on earth would we know? Since his first State of the Union Address, the crazies have been yelling at him and refusing to make the slightest concession. Clinton and every other President you cite dealt with a "loyal opposition" who understood that the good of the country requires conceding some points....and they did so. This GOP doesn't do fact, making no concessions is part of their platform (cue Grover Norquist) and one of their talking points. Good of the country be damned. Originally Posted by timpage
It's his job to make sure people want to compromise with him isn't it. He came in Day One signing executive orders that couldn't be carried out and cramming Obamacare down everyone's throat. Normally when you're the new guy on the block you don't go and shit in your neighbors' lawns on Day One. He thought he was above it and he got his ass handed to him. Sorry man, but he fucked up.

I've voted Democrat on many an occasion. I even pulled a straight ticket for W's second term, but this guy isn't our savior. Hes not qualified and he lacks the will. He has no internal fortitude except when it comes to the Arab world, hating middle America and instituting social democracy, and he's not even going to be able to do that because he lacks the will to do anything but get re-elected or further his post POTUS career. He's a selfish narcissist.

Other than promoting himself shamelessly, this is all he's really good at:
It's his job to make sure people want to compromise with him isn't it. He came in Day One signing executive orders that couldn't be carried out and cramming Obamacare down everyone's throat. Normally when you're the new guy on the block you don't go and shit in your neighbors' lawns on Day One. He thought he was above it and he got his ass handed to him. Sorry man, but he fucked up.

No, sorry, that's not his job at all. It's his job to try to implement the policies he was elected on. That included health care. He promised it, he did it. Without one Republican vote in the house. Compromise is a two way street. If you don't get that it's the GOP that has repeatedly and quite publicly touted their refusal to compromise on almost every single issue as being a "badge of honor", then you haven't been keeping up. Have you forgotten the dimwit repuke who was yelling at Obama calling him a liar during the first SOTU address? Perfect example of the GOP approach and in line with Mitch McConnell's statement that the overriding priority for the repukes was to make sure, not that the country's interests were well-served by both parties, but that Obama be only a one-term president.

I've voted Democrat on many an occasion. I even pulled a straight ticket for W's second term, but this guy isn't our savior. Hes not qualified and he lacks the will. He has no internal fortitude except when it comes to the Arab world, hating middle America and instituting social democracy, and he's not even going to be able to do that because he lacks the will to do anything but get re-elected or further his post POTUS career. He's a selfish narcissist.

Bush was a republican. And now that you've fallen into the repuke talking point propaganda about hating America, socialism, etc, I'll stop commenting since my momma told me never to insult a lady.

Other than promoting himself shamelessly, this is all he's really good at: Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Good luck with that Libertarian vote.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Their big gun didn't even get good ratings last night. I'm surprised that we don't hear anything about the Cowboys. That is what everyone was watching.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Read the new Woodward book coming out on Obama; see what he says about who drove who off the cliff..................

In summary Boehner had a deal to cut spending and raise taxes by $800 billion, but Obama reneged and asked for more taxes.....Boehner ignored Obama who then fumed and pouted, the Senate cut Obama out of the debt negotiations and the rest is history !

Obama punted TWICE on cutting spending, debt and taxes....

The first time was his own Bowles - Simpson plan and the second time was the debt negotiations !

Obama wants to drive us off the financial cliff; his dreams from his father is an America that is neutered, destroyed, dependent and sheepish in the world. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Woodward's story shows Odumbo to be the maleficent SOB he is.
Good luck with that Libertarian vote. Originally Posted by timpage
Like I can vote for Romney? I was going to, but I just can't get on board with the anti-female / overly religious agenda of the Republican party.

Unfortunately, it is the POTUS's job to foster cooperation. That's really the only way he can get his agenda through the Legislative Branch. It just is, and he can't do it.

You misunderstand, I don't think Obama's a socialist. I think he is a social democrat. There's a difference. I also think he feeds class warfare. I just don't have any respect for him. The only thing he said he'd do is Obamacare, and I'm sure he didn't envision that cobbled together abortion of a bill. He's not the guy, and this isn't a social democracy. It never will be, and he never will be.

This is how I've voted. I'm not partisan at all.

I believed in Regan, Perot and McCain. Gore was an I-don't-know, but-what-the-hell. Kerry was a straight Democratic ticket protest against the Village Fucking Idiot. And Dole,
as much as I loved Clinton, he perjured himself.
Their big gun didn't even get good ratings last night. I'm surprised that we don't hear anything about the Cowboys. That is what everyone was watching. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And a damn fine game to watch too.....the Giants got their asses kicked.

Speaking of ratings, since you bring it up, Gallup says Romney's speech received a lower score than any presidential candidate's convention speech since the poll starting asking the question after Republican and Democratic conventions in 1996.

Clinton rocked. And you know it or you wouldn't be whining around about it.....