Sorry Olivia, not buyin it. The attack on the World Trade Center was one thing and the prosecution of the blind Sheik was another. The missile attack you speak of was in August of 1998 and the attack on the Cole was October of 2000. I didn't know Clinton could see the future. So why didn't he do something about Bin Laden before 9/11?
The bombing of Sudan killed innocent people and destroyed a pharmaceutical factory. British intelligence warned us and even Tennant of the CIA was dubious.
No Davidian was ever charged with raping young girls, move on. No Davidian was ever charged with with owning illegal weapons. The confidential informant recanted, move on. Being a religious nut is not a capital offense except under Clinton.
I forgot about Mogadishu and Black Hawk down. Bush sent us in to feed the people and Clinton wanted to nation build giving power to war lords hoping one of them would be a George Washington. He refused to give the general armor to support our troops. Don't want to make anyone mad.
Elian could have stayed with an executive order but why take him at gun point against people with no weapons?
I guess I forgot to mention perjury and suborning perjury. I remember the speech where Clinton said that maybe we could balance the budget in seven years, maybe nine years and then the GOP took over Congress. The budget was balanced in two years and you give credit to that guy? Can we overlook Elizabeth Gracen's flight to avoid Clinton. She gave up a series and her citizenship to get away.