Sincere apologies


Once the smoke screen of bullshit and heresay disappears..

He'll call back, they damn near always do, especially when first impressions are so high....


J Originally Posted by SpanishJewel
Jazz...can I see your boobs for God's sake your avatar is killing me sweetheart!!!!

Cant wait to meet you ......

LOL Malwoody. You need to post more. Originally Posted by KenMonk
Dont encourage him Ken....once he gets on a roll...he wont stop! LOL
lookin4red's Avatar

Once the smoke screen of bullshit and heresay disappears..

He'll call back, they damn near always do, especially when first impressions are so high....
Originally Posted by SpanishJewel
I wouldn't put any money on that one Jewel....
malwoody's Avatar

I wouldn't put any money on that one Jewel.... Originally Posted by lookin4red

Okay, let me get this straight.."he" is not going to call back in your opinion and you know this how..?...oh I get it, you are hiding under his desk with him after his drive by..otherwise how could you possibly predict his future behavior..?

Kinda sad when he has to ask one of his bitches to post for him because he can't justify his initial bullshit post. Never thought I'd see the day when there are more pussies on the male side but I guess that's the world we currently reside in..
Lol dang giving encouragement is a bad thing ha I'm sorry what I wrote wasent up to your standards
malwoody's Avatar
Don't be sorry she should be sorry that she ruined her rep by playing games... On to the next I say Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
Hopefully I can frame this in a way you can understand. What do you know about "games" she has played and how do you know her "rep" is "ruined" ? You have accused another provider of this because you know her personally ?, is it because you have witnessed the ncns or whatever mythical missteps she has allegedly made. There have been several guys in this thread calling bs on the op, so unless you have something to back up your statement I call bs and I suggest you try another tactic to help your business..

Lol dang giving encouragement is a bad thing ha I'm sorry what I wrote wasent up to your standards Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
I assume this was directed at me although there is no quote etc to verify but I have no idea what you mean by "standards"...You made a rather incriminating post about another provider and I was merely seeking validation as to how you know what "games" she played. Correct me if I am wrong but I seem to recall reading something about you and some drama...such as ncns.

Take your time, I know it's a lot to process.
Mal, take some Pamprin and calm down.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Mal, take some Pamprin and calm down. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Ha ha ha, so glad you are back!
malwoody's Avatar
Mal, take some Pamprin and calm down. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I wonder if you would be calm if someone posted unsubstantiated heresay about you..
I just don't care for global assumptions being made without the other side of the story. I have never met or messaged with the provider in question and I respect the fact that she has stayed out of the fray(wise choice imo)and of course the op won't respond to anything as is his what would you have me do different?

Oh and btw, glad it all worked out for you and your family...
Have a nice weekend.
There is a current Independent review, just now hitting the review section....apparently someone was able to make a let me just say, to partially quote an old movie line...."who needs no stinking endorsement "????

Of course, anything written on the Internet should be taken merely at face value....including items in this thread
Hopefully I can frame this in a way you can understand. What do you know about "games" she has played and how do you know her "rep" is "ruined" ? You have accused another provider of this because you know her personally ?, is it because you have witnessed the ncns or whatever mythical missteps she has allegedly made. There have been several guys in this thread calling bs on the op, so unless you have something to back up your statement I call bs and I suggest you try another tactic to help your business..

I assume this was directed at me although there is no quote etc to verify but I have no idea what you mean by "standards"...You made a rather incriminating post about another provider and I was merely seeking validation as to how you know what "games" she played. Correct me if I am wrong but I seem to recall reading something about you and some drama...such as ncns.

Take your time, I know it's a lot to process. Originally Posted by malwoody
I think some people take eccie to seriously... And dont recall any drama about me and ncns involving me. I'll tell someone I can't see them before I waste their time thank you... Also I was on my phone earlier and couldnt quote you
I wonder if you would be calm if someone posted unsubstantiated heresay about you... Originally Posted by malwoody
But you just made a post stating "hear say" about me which was false all because I said one comment on this thread hmmmm.