Bathmate's water penis pumps are the best thing for this I've found. Yes, they definitely work, but they grow your penis awkwardly. Meaning they increase girth MORE than they increase length. Most women don't complain as they prefer girth to length, but it does make your penis look stubbier even if it's actually longer, at least it did for me.
It also made the small natural curve on mini-sketch look more like a medium sized curve. This isn't a big deal if you have a small curve, but if you already have a large curve, this might accentuate it and make you too uncomfortable with your own penis for the ladies.
Initial stats: 5.5 inches long, 4.7 inches in girth
After 3 months: 6.8 inches long, 6.5 inches in girth
You have to use it like you work out. You have to do it every day. I actually did it twice a day for 15 minutes each time, once when I woke up in the morning and took a morning shower, then again after I ran a 5k and was de-sweating, again for 15 minutes. And I'm not gonna lie... the little fucker kind of hurts sometimes. I think I could have gone for a monster penis if I'd wanted... the growth looked fairly linear, meaning that if you want more length you just keep using it. However, I'm pretty satisfied with my present penis and I didn't want to risk turning my now medium curve into a hook to tickle my partner's Fallopian tubes.
The good news is the results are psuedo-permanent. I've only lost about a tenth of an inch on length and nothing on girth in 3 months of not using it. Also, if you do go this route, get the strap. It hurts like f to use without the strap.
EDIT: I forgot this question was from a lady, not a man, lolol.
Originally Posted by sketchball82
here are the before after pics of this guy using bathmate
this guy also says the gains are permanent, apparently after 1 year of usage.
this website has chock full of info on how to use routines with bathmate, jelqing and using penis extender.
btw. any know what the average size is for penis girth?