Has there ever been an instance where White Knighting has gotten you laid or even gotten you preferential treatment?

txAustin202's Avatar
So to better answer Cody's question. I'm not one to barter or ask for favors either. I think I'm doing quite ok being as clueless and naive as you claim me to be.

Freebie session-yes
Freebie Greek(provider normally upcharged)-yes
Extra time-yes
Discounted rate-yes
You are so full of it. I never once defended any TCB or NCNS issues. I believe everyone needs to own up to their mistakes. Put a link to it. I also never once defended Katie. You somehow thought I was talking about her. I even had to say that the person I was talking about wasn't in the thread. Also remember who started this nonsense with the "3 asshats" comment. Originally Posted by txAustin202

Ok I'm sorry I must have made a mistake on the Tori thing. No harm no foul I take it back, you have not been a WK're just a fact checker and sometimes you have come across a little obsessed but their is nothing wrong with that. I didn't say you openly defended Katie, you pm'd me to ask me or tell me something and we discussed Katie. You told what she told you and I gave you my feedback. It was pretty civil and we went from there. I will now pm you something small that I am sure you will find fault with but it is a good will gesture.

How often do you work out. I need to get in better shape and build some muscle mass but I lack the energy and discipline to do it.
txAustin202's Avatar
6 days a week. 2 full cardio days.
6 days a week. 2 full cardio days. Originally Posted by txAustin202
I can't do six days. Id like to try and get in three days and do cardio and weights all in the same day. The most time I can spend though is about an hour and a half there, that includes 30 minutes of cardio on an walker-runner elliptical type machine. I'm doing something wrong though because I always end up hurting something. I did something to my shoulder last year and it's still getting worse and I've already been to an orthopedist. My younger brother does like what you do though, he is in the gym like 6-7 days a week for a couple of hours. He went from like 130 to over 200 like crazy fast and is huge now. My older brother has always been big too. I don't know where it went wrong with me but its always been hard for me to add muscle mass and I've always fought a belly.
As far as favors go I'm gonna say no. I've never asked for any favors and I think most if not all of us can see who we want with proper ref's anyways. I don't do repeat's very often so I don't see discounts or favors and I don't post Iso's for discounts. If I want to see someone I go see them for their normal rate.
txAustin202's Avatar
Diet is a huge factor. You can work out all you want but if your diet sucks it doesn't matter. You work out enough, you'll end up hurting something. Just comes with the territory.
My younger brother does like what you do though, he is in the gym like 6-7 days a week for a couple of hours. He went from like 130 to over 200 like crazy fast and is huge now. My older brother has always been big too. I don't know where it went wrong with me but its always been hard for me to add muscle mass and I've always fought a belly. Originally Posted by homer13
Ask your younger brother what else he did.

I bet he increased his caloric intake while maintaining/lessening his fat intake. That is, he ate lots of good (high protein) food and less foods high in fat. Also, for big muscles, you gotta lift heavy weights. You don't have to do a lot of reps, sets; but, you have to lift heavy.

Personally, I've found you don't have to spend crazy amounts of time in the gym if you do exercises and eat foods specific to what you're trying to accomplish.
Since this thread is headed the direction of working out which is still better than spatting I do the Body 4 Life regimen 3 days weights, 3 days cardio mixed with lots of stretching which is a necessity thanks to Father Time.

Diet is a basic common sense balance between veggies, fish/chicken and small amounts of carbs. Minimal processed foods or sugar aside from two splurges. Zappas no cholesterol chips and chocolate covered Rice cream bars or Nada Moo non dairy(Coconut milk) chocolate mint ice cream.

For me training is no longer as much about looking like The Beast Master as much as it is about just keeping the blood pressure and cholesterol under control. Looking good is just the icing on the cake. There's a big difference between looking great and looking great for a mature adult. Boy have times changed.
Diet is a huge factor. You can work out all you want but if your diet sucks it doesn't matter. You work out enough, you'll end up hurting something. Just comes with the territory. Originally Posted by txAustin202
My diet does suck. I try to eat healthy but work, kids and lifestyle always end up having me eat crap.

Ask your younger brother what else he did.

I bet he increased his caloric intake while maintaining/lessening his fat intake. That is, he ate lots of good (high protein) food and less foods high in fat. Also, for big muscles, you gotta lift heavy weights. You don't have to do a lot of reps, sets; but, you have to lift heavy.

Personally, I've found you don't have to spend crazy amounts of time in the gym if you do exercises and eat foods specific to what you're trying to accomplish. Originally Posted by JohnBrown7
I did talk to him and you're right he did adjust what he took in for max benefit and mixed in supplements to help him recover and build mass. I mostly just want to be healthy and have energy so I focus more on cardio. I would like to build some muscle mass and get a little bigger though.

Since this thread is headed the direction of working out which is still better than spatting I do the Body 4 Life regimen 3 days weights, 3 days cardio mixed with lots of stretching which is a necessity thanks to Father Time.

Diet is a basic common sense balance between veggies, fish/chicken and small amounts of carbs. Minimal processed foods or sugar aside from two splurges. Zappas no cholesterol chips and chocolate covered Rice cream bars or Nada Moo non dairy(Coconut milk) chocolate mint ice cream.

For me training is no longer as much about looking like The Beast Master as much as it is about just keeping the blood pressure and cholesterol under control. Looking good is just the icing on the cake. There's a big difference between looking great and looking great for a mature adult. Boy have times changed. Originally Posted by Codybeast
It's all the processed foods that kill me. I know they are bad for me but damn they taste good and when you get home late and need something quick cuz you're starving they are not a great option but usually what I can easily find and make. I agree I've never tried to look like a beast master but I would like to age gracefully and have a nice appealing body.
Whispers's Avatar
Why don't you define white knighting? Is pointing out fabrications considered being a WK? Originally Posted by txAustin202

How many other local businesses do you go around looking for information about them that you consider to be inaccurate and then making comments about it?

Let them run and defend their own businesses.....

I cannot remember a single woman over the years that ENJOYS the attention that two people going back and forth about her brings. most consider it negative and harmful to their business. The fact that controversy exists around them that keeps them in the limelight tends to be a detractor for a lot of guys that might consider seeing them.

There are guys that will NEVER see certain ladies because of their "followers" concerned that the lady probably does not worry as much about what kind of service she provides as she has a "spin team" ready to "fix" things for her.

MANY have shared that they tend to agree that those guys that engage in it are pathetic little wusses....

But they smile and give them their pats on the head and take their money when it's time.
Whispers's Avatar
So to better answer Cody's question. I'm not one to barter or ask for favors either. I think I'm doing quite ok being as clueless and naive as you claim me to be.

Freebie session-yes
Freebie Greek(provider normally upcharged)-yes
Extra time-yes
Discounted rate-yes Originally Posted by txAustin202

How many times have you seen the lady you are attributing these too?

Have you considered that being a repeat customer might be the actual reason for all that?

I usually see all but the freebie by the third visit in a month with a lady and considering that I often see our sessions become an evening or overnight inside of the 4th or 5th visit I could easily say Freebies come with the territory of being a regular as well.
txAustin202's Avatar
This is from various ladies. Not 1. For example, after the initial visit with one, during our hug bye, she said next time it's X amount. I never asked. Anyways I'm not going into any more details. I didn't even want to post these things but I let things get under my skin.
Whispers's Avatar
This is from various ladies. Not 1. For example, after the initial visit with one, during our hug bye, she said next time it's X amount. I never asked. Anyways I'm not going into any more details. I didn't even want to post these things but I let things get under my skin. Originally Posted by txAustin202
And you attribute that discount to being a White Knight? Because that is the question you were answering.

Maybe she simply liked you and enjoyed your company.

MAYBE times are tough and ladies are offering discounts to customers if they come back soon. I've definitely seen that before.

I think you may simply believe it is something about YOU that is getting the discounts....

I am OLD... I am out of shape unless ROUND is a shape.... I think I am rather inadequately "equipped"....... And I almost NEVER white Knight for ladies on the board... I have a reputation quite the opposite as a matter of fact..... But I get the same things you mentioned.....

I attribute it to nothing other than how thick mine is......

How thick my WALLET is in case anyone's mind went wandering.....
txAustin202's Avatar
Like I said in the beginning I don't believe that I've ever been a WK but you proclaim me to be the king of WKs. So with the lack of a clear definition I'm just answering the favor part of the question.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Diet is a huge factor. You can work out all you want but if your diet sucks it doesn't matter. You work out enough, you'll end up hurting something. Just comes with the territory. Originally Posted by txAustin202
I cycle 6 days a week, 17 miles minimum up to 50 miles in a day, at an average speed of about 16 mph on roads like Parmer north to Andice. Lift weights 3 days a week hitting all body parts twice. Bench around 225 (weigh 180-190). Body fat in the 15% range. Haven't been seriously hurt in years. Secret is don't push it beyond your capabilities. That's when injuries occur.

One reason I put in 10-11 hours of hard exercise a week is because I like to eat/drink what I want. I could certainly stand to lose 10-20 pounds but I can live with things the way they are. Diet is a 4-letter word to me.

I'll be 66 1/2 in a few days.