This is from various ladies. Not 1. For example, after the initial visit with one, during our hug bye, she said next time it's X amount. I never asked. Anyways I'm not going into any more details. I didn't even want to post these things but I let things get under my skin.
Originally Posted by txAustin202
And you attribute that discount to being a White Knight? Because that is the question you were answering.
Maybe she simply liked you and enjoyed your company.
MAYBE times are tough and ladies are offering discounts to customers if they come back soon. I've definitely seen that before.
I think you may simply believe it is something about YOU that is getting the discounts....
I am OLD... I am out of shape unless ROUND is a shape.... I think I am rather inadequately "equipped"....... And I almost NEVER white Knight for ladies on the board... I have a reputation quite the opposite as a matter of fact..... But I get the same things you mentioned.....
I attribute it to nothing other than how thick mine is......
How thick my WALLET is in case anyone's mind went wandering.....