Lawmaker on Michelle Obama: She Lectures Us on Eating Right While She Has a “Large Posterior” Herself

markroxny's Avatar
I like this one MUCH better

It's settled then.

I want a threesome with French First Lady Carla Bruni and the Spanish lady, Letizia, Princess of Asturias. And I want them to wear the same outfits they are wearing going up the stairs.

A fella can dream, can't he?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
i call that a aunt jemiana ass
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, she is a hypocrite because her daughers are eating well while she is starving America's children. That is why she is a liberal hypocrite.

The menu for her daughter's school.
joe bloe's Avatar
No, she is a hypocrite because her daughers are eating well while she is starving America's children. That is why she is a liberal hypocrite.

The menu for her daughter's school. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think Obama's daughters go to Sidwell Friends School. Believe it or not, it's run by the Quakers. They probably eat lots of oatmeal.
The one on the left has no ass, no bed time from me.

The one on the right has an ass (my angel Michelle), but you have to rate an ass not on the size, but oscillation frequency. When you slap it. frequency must be above 2 Hz, and have a decay time of 2 secs.

An ass has to be firm and muscular. You have to feel it in your hands as you massage with body lotion.

Be careful with your thumbs, don;t want to slip in somewhere you don;t want to go.

It takes all sorts. I think Joe Bloe and I will never like the same women.

But I wouldn't stoop to call any woman ugly, just because they are not to my taste.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The one on the left has no ass, no bed time from me.

The one on the right has an ass (my angel Michelle), but you have to rate an ass not on the size, but oscillation frequency. When you slap it. frequency must be above 2 Hz, and have a decay time of 2 secs.

An ass has to be firm and muscular. You have to feel it in your hands as you massage with body lotion.

Be careful with your thumbs, don;t want to slip in somewhere you don;t want to go.

It takes all sorts. I think Joe Bloe and I will never like the same women.

But I wouldn't stoop to call any woman ugly, just because they are not to my taste. Originally Posted by essence
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A good point about Sidwell. Here is there menu
deltaguy's Avatar
Why all the hate on the FIRST LADY??!! Just because the lady has a nice ass don't mean she is not eating healthy, something's just geneic. I workout at my gym 3 to 4 times a week and I see most of the women in there of most races with so call "ghetto butty" in there and the ones that don't have them are trying to get one, everybody can't and don't want to be a size 0 or 2, that shit is not attractive, and the part about her being mad, hell she got the right to be mad, all the crap she have to hear and read about what is been said about her family, but she handle it with class and plus she is a lot younger than the past First Ladies and don't we all tell or have told our kids not to do stuff we have all done......we are all hypocrites....just say what u really feel and stop all the bs!!!!
The point is being missed by all this concentration on asses.

I was sitting in the office of a very large company, and this high school kid comes around looking to sell stuff for his school fund.

I bought some pop corn. The rest of what he had was similar.

I got home, opened it up, and looked at how many calories.

400 calories per serving.

I serving half a pack.

I ate the pack, it tasted good.

So that's 800 calories for a quick snack.

Took me 2 days to run it off again.

The point is, that kid only had very unhealthy food to sell. So wtf is the school doing?

Second point, ever try to get anything healthy to eat from a gas station?

No, I can;t find anything either. Difficult enough to just find a carton of milk. The only thing I buy is a chocolate (yes, I am a chocolate addict, esp. if they have cute breasts, firm asses and tasty cooches, plus two are better than one) energy drink for recovery.
Well, the Far Right Wing-Nuts might as well get used to Michelle. She WILL be the FLOTUS for another 4 years. Get over it!

To make matters worse, I predict Obama's successor will be Hillary. The Wing-Nuts will then have an additional 8 years to grieve over the Clinton's moving back into the White House. If we are lucky, Michelle Obama will be Hillary's successor and perhaps Chelsea Clinton will succeed Michelle.

By that time, I will probably be dead and gone and won't care if one of Barack and Michelle's daughters will succeed Chelsea.

Ahhhhhh, ain't life GRAND?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you really think this is about Michelle's ass? This is about an unelected, un-nominated person using the power of government to effect the lives of millions of our children without any background or expertise in what she is meddling with. The results are becoming obvious and children are starting to revolt.
joe bloe's Avatar
[QUOTE=essence;1051673206]The one on the left has no ass, no bed time from me.

The one on the right has an ass (my angel Michelle), but you have to rate an ass not on the size, but oscillation frequency. When you slap it. frequency must be above 2 Hz, and have a decay time of 2 secs.

An ass has to be firm and muscular. You have to feel it in your hands as you massage with body lotion.

Be careful with your thumbs, don;t want to slip in somewhere you don;t want to go.

It takes all sorts. I think Joe Bloe and I will never like the same women.

But I wouldn't stoop to call any woman ugly, just because they are not to my taste.[/QUOTE]

Of course, esthetics is largely subjective. You may think Whoopie Goldberg is beautiful; I don't. If I express my opinion about who I find attractive, and who I don't find attractive, I'm not stooping as you put it. Expressing an opinion about personal taste is not unethical.

I find the average black woman to be less attractive than the average white woman; there's nothing wrong with that. You apparently find black women more attractive than white women, there's nothing wrong with that either.

I do think it's interesting that when a black man has money and success, and consequently has a wider choice in female companionship, the likelihood of him having a white girl friend goes up astronomically. I have noticed that black men almost never choose a wife or girlfriend that is darker than themselves; Obama is one of the rare exceptions.

It is clear that black women are considered to be less attractive than white women by most men in our culture. This is probably due to how our culture defines beauty. We are probably programmed into preferring a particular type of woman. Regardless, it's a fact that isn't talked about in polite company; that doesn't make it any less true.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Do you really think this is about Michelle's ass? This is about an unelected, un-nominated person using the power of government to effect the lives of millions of our children without any background or expertise in what she is meddling with Kind of like you.. The results are becoming obvious and children are starting to revolt. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Starting to revolt? They have revolted me for years.

I don't know where you come from but public school lunches have always sucked for one reason or another.

"Oh look! Lime jello with carrot skins again! Yum, yum." "Are you going to eat your government subsidised P. B, and J. sandwich?", and of course the classic "No, for the last time Mr. Barleycorn. I don't want to go to your house at lunch and play with your Jackalope!"
So you didn't say:

Unfortunately, she'd still be ugly as home made sin


No I don't find whoopie attractive.

I don't find most of the skinny actresses over whom I am meant to swoon very attractive either.

Meryl Streep, for example, can't stand her. I would use your words about her were I not a gentleman. Horse comes to mind.

The rest of your message, good debating point. There was a UK politician who said he didn't find Carribean women attractive. There was uproar. There was then a discussion about the women who immigrated in the 50/60's v. their daughters.

The daughters tended to look considerably better.

So a lot of the attraction thing is about class, diet, how you look after yourself, whether you keep fit or become gross, culture, myths etc etc etc

I hate the idea of anybody trying to change their skin colour. I hope we are past that, but no doubt in some parts of the world, the caste system and ignorance plays its games.

Joe, I'll lend you one of my 22 yr olds and she will change your mind fast.

There are a growing number of white guys who choose black partners too.

[To avoid confusion, I am white but prefer black partners in bed. It's just the way I am.]