What is a WK?

cramster's Avatar
White Knight = a guy who falls in love with a provider, and as a result defends her actions when she is in the wrong and feeds her inside information in an attempt to get her to feel the same way about him, but that's just my opinion I could be wrong. Originally Posted by actionman98
Action,That seems like a pretty pure definition. However, possible someone with less honorable reasons might fall under the same heading or would that simple be Management?
MARTlAN's Avatar
I'm curious who would be considered a vet.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm curious who would be considered a vet. Originally Posted by Martianman
An animal doctor.
knotty man's Avatar
guess i could be considered a vet.
ive fucked a few dogs
spanked a monkey
flogged a few dolphins
and euthanised about 10billion tadpoles down the shower drain!
Whispers's Avatar
It has nothing to do with how you treat a lady.

What's that old saying?... treat a whore like a lady and a lady like a whore......

be a gentleman.....

be an asshole....

Neither define you as a white knight.... Some ladies will care less how you treat them so long as your cash is real and you come and go within the allotted time frame.....

IMO a WK is a guy that jumps to the defense of a whore forgetting that what he is doing is championing the cause of a whore..... a woman that would have NOTHING to do with him if he did not have money to give her......

Sometimes it's just a guy overly confused about and forgetting that these women are running a business here..... They are not the average lady you might meet somewhere else.

At some point in time they decided to trade their flesh for money...... In regards to these forums they opened up that process to review and criticism....

The WK thinks less of these women in his defense of them. He feels HE needs to rescue them from what is normally an accurate portrayal of one member's experience with them.... In his actions he belittles them as well as their ability to run a business and speak for themselves....

IMO these WKs are the loneliest and more pathetic of the hobbyists..... Guys that do NOT have real friends or relationships that include females in the mix.... They need and crave attention from the opposite sex and revel in the Thanks the Business Owner gives them.....

They lack respect for the purpose of the board when they attempt to dissuade one guys opinion in favor of the whore....

They lack respect for themselves when they jump into these online reviews or commentaries, usually not up to speed, and choose to ignore the facts presented.....

There are WKs that feel the need to champion just about any ladies causes in search of that little pat on the head they might get.....

PWWKs are Pussy Whipped White Knights that have lost themselves having become emotionally attached to one of the whores.... They feel they gain some position of importance in one of their lives through their online actions......

These guys look for more than the pat on the head and occasional attention one of the whore's might give him.... They look for some elevated position in the whore's life.....

They would never bring one of these women home to meet their mother and discuss their profession but don't say a negative word about HIS whore or he will blindly jump to her defense knowing nothing of the situation.....

WHORE. 1: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money

That being said..... Where did I identify you as a WK?
It has nothing to do with how you treat a lady.

What's that old saying?... treat a whore like a lady and a lady like a whore......

be a gentleman.....

be an asshole....

Neither define you as a white knight.... Some ladies will care less how you treat them so long as your cash is real and you come and go within the allotted time frame.....

IMO a WK is a guy that jumps to the defense of a whore forgetting that what he is doing is championing the cause of a whore..... a woman that would have NOTHING to do with him if he did not have money to give her......

Sometimes it's just a guy overly confused about and forgetting that these women are running a business here..... They are not the average lady you might meet somewhere else.

At some point in time they decided to trade their flesh for money...... In regards to these forums they opened up that process to review and criticism....

The WK thinks less of these women in his defense of them. He feels HE needs to rescue them from what is normally an accurate portrayal of one member's experience with them.... In his actions he belittles them as well as their ability to run a business and speak for themselves....

IMO these WKs are the loneliest and more pathetic of the hobbyists..... Guys that do NOT have real friends or relationships that include females in the mix.... They need and crave attention from the opposite sex and revel in the Thanks the Business Owner gives them.....

They lack respect for the purpose of the board when they attempt to dissuade one guys opinion in favor of the whore....

They lack respect for themselves when they jump into these online reviews or commentaries, usually not up to speed, and choose to ignore the facts presented.....

There are WKs that feel the need to champion just about any ladies causes in search of that little pat on the head they might get.....

PWWKs are Pussy Whipped White Knights that have lost themselves having become emotionally attached to one of the whores.... They feel they gain some position of importance in one of their lives through their online actions......

These guys look for more than the pat on the head and occasional attention one of the whore's might give him.... They look for some elevated position in the whore's life.....

They would never bring one of these women home to meet their mother and discuss their profession but don't say a negative word about HIS whore or he will blindly jump to her defense knowing nothing of the situation.....

WHORE. 1: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money

That being said..... Where did I identify you as a WK? Originally Posted by Whispers
+1. That's a crystal clear definition if ever there was one.
txAustin202's Avatar
You have a seriously short memory. Not only do you always refer to me as a WK but it's always a WK/Wuss combo. Started off with Pussy as well. So if you can't link me to any of your definitions why don't you cut out the WK bs and I'll in turn leave you alone as well.
Whispers's Avatar
You have a seriously short memory. Not only do you always refer to me as a WK but it's always a WK/Wuss combo. Started off with Pussy as well. So if you can't link me to any of your definitions why don't you cut out the WK bs and I'll in turn leave you alone as well. Originally Posted by txAustin202
Once again....... Where did I identify you as a WK? You seem to have me on your mind and my name comes out of you quite a bit whore I have little to do with anything around here lately....

Is there some recent thread you can link to where I state you are a WK or a PWWK?

Or are you seeing yourself in some of the generic conversation going on around here?
txAustin202's Avatar
So tell me. Who is the WK/Wuss that you are referring to in your bro love thread to Homer? Seems pretty suspicious considering that Homer and I were going toe to toe at the time and that's what you had called me when I praised a certain lady's inner beauty which I still stand by.
Whispers's Avatar
I was reminiscing with an old friend about the "good ole days" in Houston and ASPD and went looking at a few of my original "positions" I took on subjects.

On October 7th, 20001 I posted the following in the Dallas Coed section on a trip up there........ I've been around here a long time..... But my opinions have been rooted for even longer.....

"WKS" (White Knight Syndrome)

Yea though I walk through the valley of the White Knights I shall fear no flames for Deuce shall have my back

uhh... Deuce?... You out there?

I've been reading your boards for a while and will be traveling a little more often to Dallas on business (plus it's the hometown of one of the most enoyable young ladies I've ever met, Angelina) and I as I was perusing the Dallas boards the subject of "White Knights", "Black Nights", kissing ass and all the reasons for it seems to be a hot topic.

IT's not the first time this subject has come up but it does generate a chuckle to read the views of the those struck with "WKS" (White Knight Syndrome)

Why some guys get more than others......

Why some non F/S providers might go that extra step with certain guys.....

How some guys end up "dating" providers where others don't....

Why certain guys get lunches and dinners for free and others are expected to pay.......

95% of what I read on these subjects tends to present the opinion that how you act on the board and the manner in which you post might have an impact.

This is my 112th post. (#1128 was this thread here in Houston) I may have kissed an ass once or twice but I am probably at the far end of the spectrum on that particular subject.... If I wore armor it would be a very dark grey.

I am far from being the most loved or most respected poster....

My posting style has always been to provide ALL information. I tend to write more for a guy and without the lady in mind. I'm certainly at the opposite end of the spectrum from the attitude in Dallas.

I've been involved in many a flame war for standing by my opinions that ASPD should cater to the men.

I don't come to ASPD to socialize on the boards with the ladies....

I come here to give information and seek information on the ladies to determine which of the ladies I might want to see next.

And I've seen a lot of ladies because of ASPD

But guess what else?.............

.... and I've gotten extra time
.... and I've had free lunch and dinner dates
.... inexpensive overnight sessions
.... GFE and beyond experiences
.... "dates" with providers

And I've even crossed the line in a few instances and gotten "involved" with a couple of ladies I've met through the Hobby.

And through all this it has never been at the expense of catching "WKS" (White Knight Syndrome)

To the Point.........

How I've acted online and the manner I've posted have gotten me crossways with only a handful of ladies and men...... I can think of 2 ladies I WANTED to see that judged me and I could not schedule with...... There are probably more that wouldn't but it matters not since they were not of interest to me.

I've gotten crossways with some of the guys..... Most ot the White Knights of course..... and a few others......... Oh well .... Can't please everyone.......

What the many people, male and female, that have met me without having prior judged me know is that in person I am a proper gentlemen.

I am also an older man, 44, and no stud. I'm big and round tipping the scales at 270 and very poorly endowed in the "equipment" department.

Yet I have tremendous luck where others don't and get all the above "perks" from not one or two but several ladies over the months here on ASPD or years in the Hobby.

I'm not sure if it's a desire to "legitimize" oneself that causes a man to become afflicted with online "WKS". A desire to set aside the fact that the activity he is engaging in is not accepted by society as a whole and feel better about his actions.

But for me.

An old fat man with a small penis......

I get all the above because I haven't lost sight of the undeniable fact that first and foremost for the ladies.... It's no "Hobby"... It's a business...... and it is to them that our hard earned dollars are going......

I find my way into all the situations I mentioned by remembering that and spending money...... And while in their company I treat them with the same respect I desire.

Not with flowery gifts.... online poetry or praise..... "WKS" .....

but by parting with the "Jackson's" and "Franklins"

It might not be published..... The ladies don't advertise it........

But Frequent Flyer Programs are alive and well in the "Business" and the perks are the same that the White Knights tend to desire.
IMO a WK is a guy that jumps to the defense of a whore forgetting that what he is doing is championing the indefensible cause of a whore..... a woman that would have NOTHING to do with him if he did not have money to give her......

WHORE. 1: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money Originally Posted by Whispers
Fixed that for ya.

There's nothing wrong with defending someone who doesn't give a shit about you, if the cause is truly worth defending. IMO, the world needs more of that. WKs/idiots/fools (and pimps) reveal themselves when they try to defend the indefensible.
Fixed that for ya.

There's nothing wrong with defending someone who doesn't give a shit about you, if the cause is truly worth defending. IMO, the world needs more of that. WKs/idiots/fools (and pimps) reveal themselves when they try to defend the indefensible. Originally Posted by JohnBrown7
That's the point. There is NO legitimate cause to defend when it comes to WKing.
We're not talking equal rights, MADD or protecting dolphins.

Those who consider justifying poor TCB or blindly challenging a monger's disappointing session experience as a CAUSE worth defending, whether or not the provider appreciates their rescue efforts are extremely Pathetic little White Knights plain and simple.