Electronics Help Needed

Picture this..........

All Elena reads in your post, "waa waaaa waa waaaa waaaaaaa waaaa." In my best Charlie Brown's teacher voice.

Seriously........you guys are the best for your offers of help. I REALLY do appreciate it.
And the problem is solved.

Thank you to one of my fav guys for coming over and hooking it up. I did go to NFM and was told to get the opitical cable.....came home and plugged it in. It did go in the lil slot with the red light.

I have sound and Wii!!!!

Thank you again everyone.
HDMI is just simpler to hook up. one cable for everything versus multiple cables. i think the wii can do 720 actually. thats why it has component video. regardless one cable versus many is always better when tying to make things cleaner in the back.
TRex1176's Avatar
I'm gonna date myself here, but the only thing going through my mind at this point is the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" with Ogre screaming from the balcony, "NERRRRDS! NERRRRRDS!"

And I'm on to the panty raid scene!
I may be an electronics nerd but all the girls who come here love my 55" 3D LED TV, PS3, XBox 360, Surround sound reciever, Multimedia computer, 7.1 speakers, and thousands of movies and CD's. And that gets me plenty of panty raiding
While we are talking electronics I have a question. Just moved to the country and have satellite TV. Looking for a wireless unit to send signal to second TV, don't want to my another receiver box just yet. Looking for a unit that can use remote on second TV to change channels. Any suggestions on make and model I should buy?
I'm guessing you have Direct? I have Dish, and have a dual tuner reciever that hooks to other TV's in the house. Main TV is on Tuner 1, other TVs on Tuner 2. Remotes for each TV
Yes I have Direct TV. I know the Dish system, have it available where I work up North. I'm looking for a wireless unit to put on TV to send to another TV using one tuner.