New Willard supporter strategy: Vote for Romney or you're fired!
JD, that is an excellent composition of the fear mongering the left spreads so readily.
How can I say that with a straight face?
. . . The real question is how can you deny it with a straight face?
How about all those carpenters, brick layers, masons, electricians, plumbers, and roofers that have to be fired if they don't finish that house? What do you socialists have against the working man?
How would he know who voted for Obama? Hmmm? HUMMMMMMM??? No answer? See how fucked up you are.
Fear??? Vote democrat or Paul Ryan will push you off a cliff. Vote democrat or you will lose your social security. Vote democrat or the GOP will take away your Medicare. Vote democrat or you will lose your birth control. Vote democrat or you will lose your right to an abortion. Vote democrat or black people will get lynched. Vote democrat or black churches will burn. Talk about fear... how can you even suggest that with a straight face?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn