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Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

Kate Ravilious
for National Geographic News

February 28, 2007 Originally Posted by LexusLover
National Georgraphc! .... 5 1/2 years ago.


. . . It's not just a river in Egypt, baby! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
or the resident Eccie scientist aka Gore's understudy.

Have you seen the most recent pictures of Mars?

When the people pictures start coming back ... you might want to take notice.

That'll be a two-fer:
#1: Support the Gunn-Gore theory of the cause of glacier melts, and
#2: Support the "alien theory" of why things happen in the hobby!

But hey .. join Sheila Jackson Lee ..... she was hoping this latest rover would be able to see the flag "we" planted on Mars about 50 years ago. It's amazing how much damage man can do to glaciers in 50 years of unattended industrial revolution, gasoline cars, and airplanes zooming around!
Ekim, you seem to believe that the glaciers were ALWAYS there.

They USED to talk about the Viking settlements and dairy farms in Greenland in American history classes, in elementary, middle school, and high school.

The only problem is that you can't graze cattle on glaciers, so the glaciers MUST NOT HAVE BEEN THERE WHEN THE VIKINGS WERE.

In actual fact, the historical records from the Viking settlement times record the advancement of the glaciers. The Vikings eventually went back to Europe when the glaciers in Greenland came too far south.

This is why everyone who talks about "global warming" and the glaciers melting does not talk about the Viking settlements: they disprove the central thesis. Originally Posted by Sidewinder

there are coral reefs miles out in the ocean they only thrive in shallow water.there have been ice ages and hotter temps throughout history.glaciers are melting now which is the result of warmer temps.go bury your head in the sand...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The signs are there of the pain we're infliciting on our planet.

You can discount the obvious.

. . . You can also choose to believe the earth is flat if it comforts you.

The ice will melt and the waters will rise. the ice will form and the waters will recede. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ekim, being far out in the ocean does not preclude being in shallow water. Also you have to define what you mean by shallow. 4 feet, 8 feet, 20 feet, 100 feet which one is defined as shallow. I can also point out that the life of a coral reef is short compared to the weather patterns of a planet.
JD if there is a ice age the oceans are smaller coral is off the coast.when the ice melts the oceans expand leaving the old reefs in deep water...
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