No number no call. It's that simple Originally Posted by burkalini
Yeah, that means you email or PM. You're right ... pretty simple.
When i do list a # in myNo real problem ....except over the past 4 evenings, I've sent p.m's and e-mails to 5 differant ladies, got 2 responses, anf they were in another city than what their post indicated. I have read may posts from ladies that take exception to a last minute cancellation, and I have NEVER sent multiple p.m.s out for one evening. I think it is inappropiate for any one to request multiple appointments for one evening and than "jump on" the first one, only to cancel IF a "more desirable option calls later. That generally results in some lonely evenings. I rarely am able to make appointments 2 - 3days ahead. I should also note that two of the ladies I contacted via pm/e-mail on Saturday have still not contacted or responded an any way. I don't really know if they got the message even. Are they alive, dead, under arrest ... who knows?????? Guess Ineed to just worry about myself and if I gotta contact 3 or 4 ladiesand than take my pick of the responders, that is just how it is. I don't like doing that, but based on the tone of several responses, that is what is expected. At least if I leave a voice mail, I can at least know that the message either was listened to or that it was deleted. BTW, I was able to set an appointment with a lady that had posted her number .... go figure.
ad and ask when contacting
me to please contact me w/a gentlemanly introduction and have screening info
readily available it never happens. The guy always looks a the pics and calls
saying only 'can i see you now?'
Really what guy would want to see a provider who will let you
come by w/out even asking for some type of screening info?
If the ladies preferred method of contact is email, PM what seems to be the problem?
Listing your phone number in your ad equals time wasters giving you brain damage.... Originally Posted by PofDenver
Sounds good babe, you got an appt.Pof,
Also sounds as if you have a good head on your shoulders when contacting a provider with her preferred method of contact however we never know what happens when we hit that send button and our message goes off into cyber world.
I wouldnt mind at all if a guy left a gentlemanly VM w/detailed info regarding an appt. but mostly when leaving a number in your ad some ladies get the guys calling for 'right now pussy' and they seem to be clueless when we are asking for screening info.
I know it is gentlemen out here in our lil world and us ladies just have to weed through the b.s.
Glad you got an appt thoughOriginally Posted by PofDenver