markroxny's Avatar
Ridiculing someone who is clearly mentally ill as a "dumb" Obama supporter and declaring her as a representative "Democrat" is offensive.

Attacking the sick and infirm is never a good idea. Let's just leave her alone. Originally Posted by ExNYer
But that's why I am still glad I made the thread. One, what she did doesn't negate the racism that blacks still endure, Two, it has exposed the real thinking of some of the people on this board, which is quite frankly disturbing to say the least.
joe bloe's Avatar
Look, Markroxny was wrong for jumping on the news article without waiting to see if it was true.

He ignored warning signs that it might be a hoax because the (false) "facts" fit his agenda.

But, criticizing the woman is also not smart. She is 20 years old and clearly deeply disturbed. Ridiculing someone who is clearly mentally ill as a "dumb" Obama supporter and declaring her as a representative "Democrat" is offensive.

Attacking the sick and infirm is never a good idea. Let's just leave her alone. Originally Posted by ExNYer
There is a chance, she believed she could start a race war, or at least rioting. Don't forget, the so called Arab Spring began with one person, in Tunisia, setting fire to himself.

Again, the race baiters jump to assume the woman is a victim, mentally ill, yada yada....MarkyMarx knew nothing of the facts when he started the thread deriding the perp couldn't possible be a left wing democrat,,,and he knows about the same today...but he opines about her motives......................f ucking stupid man, stupid man.
And don't forget the buddhist monks who self ignited themselves on the streets of Saigon....
markroxny's Avatar
Again, the race baiters jump to assume the woman is a victim, mentally ill, yada yada....MarkyMarx knew nothing of the facts when he started the thread deriding the perp couldn't possible be a left wing democrat,,,and he knows about the same today...but he opines about her motives......................f ucking stupid man, stupid man. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Her motives? None of us were in her head, not me, not you. She was not a buddist monk. This is an African American woman in the US. If she lit herself on fire, clearly something is wrong upstairs.

Do you remember all those guns at the tea party rallies? You have this mentality that all that is evil and wrong has to be left, or democrat, or...black.

It's total bullshit. I notice you didn't say shit about the other race based attacks I posted. Not a damn thing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There is a chance, she believed she could start a race war, or at least rioting. Don't forget, the so called Arab Spring began with one person, in Tunisia, setting fire to himself.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Bouazizi Originally Posted by joe bloe
More time is needed to determine what the young woman's actual intent was, but the initial viral reports on the internet -- which were false -- reported she was set afire because she was wearing an Odumbo t-shirt. That incendiary story will not be erased by the truth. It's done its damage; marks-rocks-with-pee is a case in point, though he was damaged goods from the get-go.
markroxny's Avatar
More time is needed to determine what the young woman's actual intent was, but the initial viral reports on the internet -- which were false -- reported she was set afire because she was wearing an Odumbo t-shirt. That incendiary story will not be erased by the truth. It's done its damage; marks-rocks-with-pee is a case in point, though he was damaged goods from the get-go. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually the Obama t-shirt part of the story was debunked early, that's why I never mentioned that. When she was in the hospital in critical condition, that's when I posted the story, which I don't regret at all, cuz it has exposed so much here.
Of course you don't regret it; your a scumbag.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually the Obama t-shirt part of the story was debunked early, that's why I never mentioned that. When she was in the hospital in critical condition, that's when I posted the story, which I don't regret at all, cuz it has exposed so much here. Originally Posted by markroxny
You exposed yourself as a race-baiter. It wasn't the story, it was your choice of title for your thread.
markroxny's Avatar
You exposed yourself as a race-baiter. It wasn't the story, it was your choice of title for your thread. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LOL. Well my friend if I was race baiting...I sure caught me a lot of racists.
And again, AF-Freakin gets it wrong. She lite herself on fire, she probably is a Democrat and a dumb Obama supporter....like most of the Obama loyal base. Fucking retards. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

There WW, I fixed it for you so it all makes sense..........
The only racist posting on this story is you.

LOL. Well my friend if I was race baiting...I sure caught me a lot of racists. Originally Posted by markroxny
I B Hankering's Avatar
LOL. Well my friend if I was race baiting...I sure caught me a lot of racists. Originally Posted by markroxny
You remain oblivious to the fact that you ensnared yourself, marks-rocks-with-pee.
Thanks CC; I thought I recognized his dumbass posts....it makes all the sense.

There WW, I fixed it for you so it all makes sense.......... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
markroxny's Avatar
There WW, I fixed it for you so it all makes sense.......... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Not as much sense as this tho.
