White House Watched (Real-Time Video Of Developments From A Drone) Benghazi Attacked And Didn't Respond

BigLouie's Avatar
Help was less than an hour away, but Obama slept. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You lie but that is hardly a surprise. Yes help was an hour away but they were not ready to deploy. By the time they were ready it was all over
Pharmaguy729's Avatar
If you actually think it takes several hhours to prepare a C-130 gunship or even a fighter sortie you are sadly mistaken.... besides the fact, we get assclown Carney and Susan Rice spewing "it was the youtube video" for days... and then Obama saying the same thing to the UN.... as far as Lebanon in 83... you didnt hear Reagan blaming some video guy and then conveniently locking him up in jail on some trumped up parole violations to keep him quiet until the election is over....
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Don't want to comment on my own thread but this reminds me of the story of Hitler (nothing to do with Nazis idiots but fear). The allies were storming the beaches of Normandy and Rommel needed to have the reserve armor released. ONLY Hitler could give the order and he was asleep (with the aid of sleeping pills) and left orders that NO ONE was to disturb him. No one did and we got ourselves a beachhead.

I think Obama was stoned. He wrote that he used drugs in high school and college but never wrote about when he quit or why. I don't think he ever did. Why else would we never get to see his medical records. It would also explain his debate performance.

Obama toked while people were dying.

(this ought to cause some shit) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm surprised that you didn't blame Reagan for invading Grenada to deflect from Lebanon. It was sailors and marines who went through the rubble recovering the dead. It was Congress who set the rules of engagement that said checkpoints and sentries would not have loaded weapons. 1983 was a different world. You see we have something called the Internet with computers and real time video (did I sound like Obama?) that we didn't have in 1983. For record, the navy was on the scene immediately but it was over in a couple of minutes not seven hours. You're a twit. (did I spell that right?)

I appreciate the compliment.
joe bloe's Avatar
The Obama haters will spend his entire second term looking for excuses to impeach him. They will start with this.

Of course, it won't work, but they will try. Originally Posted by markroxny
There isn't going to be a second term. We won't need to impeach him. We can go straight to indicting, prosecuting and imprisoning.