Obama watched while Americans died

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I still think he was stoned.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think he actually was golfing. But no matter what he was doing, he icily did nothing, then lied and now blusters.

He is not presidential, but is a punk. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It looks like Obama was in the White House. He had a meeting with Leon Panetta and Joe Biden in the oval office at 5:00 PM. The attack began at 4:05 PM.
That's all Romney has to do, keep his mouth shut and let Obama's actions speak for themselves. If Romney wouldn't have put his foot in his mouth so many times during the campaign, he would be leading 65% to 35%.
Maybe when you admit the truth about your master. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Aint my master he is your obsession..