OMFG! It's a sign of the end! Hide the women and children! DISASTER IS COMING!


BigTurd, I didn't think you had it in you, but you are exactly right. This was never Romney's race to win, it was only Obama's to lose. And he has done all he can to lose it, but I don't think he's done enough. I think Obama will win, but if he doesn't, you have hit the nail on the head.

And astonishingly, you are the FIRST liberal on here who has acknowledged that Obama has had some bad moments. That amazes me. As hard as it is for me to say this, and as hard is it may be for you to hear it, I actually respect you for that.

Thanks, BigTurdie!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're living proof! Once a StupidOldLoser, always a StupidOldLoser!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Even when I agree with him, he's an asshole about it. This is what makes this entertaining. I repeat what he says, agree with him, and he calls me a "loser". Doesn't that mean he's calling himself a loser? If that's the case, I agree with him again!

LOL! Even when I agree with him, he's an asshole about it. This is what makes this entertaining. I repeat what he says, agree with him, and he calls me a "loser". Doesn't that mean he's calling himself a loser? If that's the case, I agree with him again!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Even a blind hog finds an acorn occasionally.All that proves is that StupidOldLoser finally found him an acorn!

You heard it here first!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No matter what happens, I'm not getting close to your nuts, BugTurd. Ask WPF, he seems to be into that sort of thing.

I'll just simply agree you're a loser. Thank you very much.
joe bloe's Avatar
Might become the new mascot for the RNC.. Originally Posted by ekim008
That occurred to me too. He does look a little like an elephant.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Back pedaling old fart. Pathetic.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I second the agreement with COG. Obama lost this election. He lost it because he couldn't get above 50%, he lost because he was playing the electoral vote game, and he lost because in his arrogance he didn't take (did he believe his own commercials?) Romney seriously.

Local radio host read an email from a listener today about Christie. This listener said that because Christie thought Obama did one thing right and Christie supported Obama on that one thing then that made Christie an Obamaton. This listener pointed out that the host and said that Obama was right on a couple of things so he too was an Obamaton......

Someone pointed out that Romney had said that Obama was right on a couple of things so if you vote for Romney then you are an Obamaton. So get out there you Obamatons and support your master by voting for Romney!
Obama lost because of four years of failures NOT one debate.

But don't expect the Obamazombies to admit it.
Going back to Christie, I don't know why both sides throw anyone who cooperates across the aisle under the bus. If more politicians were like Governor Christie, who's able to put politics aside and put his state's interests above anything else, America would not be on the verge of becoming a failed state. But let's keep the country divided and you'll see how America, the once great world power becomes another failed experiment by the political class.
TeamObama has done everything it could to divide America. It was their campaign strstegy, unroll they came up with big bird, binders and bayonnets.
Going back to Christie, I don't know why both sides throw anyone who cooperates across the aisle under the bus. If more politicians were like Governor Christie, who's able to put politics aside and put his state's interests above anything else, America would not be on the verge of becoming a failed state. But let's keep the country divided and you'll see how America, the once great world power becomes another failed experiment by the political class. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Here is why. This election is so close that it could come down to a few thousand votes among millions cast. The electorate has evolved in their voting patterns the same way they have evolved in life, that being, they live from one news cycle to the next.

The Main Stream Media will portray Gov Christie's cooperation as an endorsment of the President, even though he probably disagrees with the President on just about every political issue. The Electorate will buy it, and the news cycle for the next week, (election week), will be, "How can the President be so bad if even Gov Christie supports Hi".

And then we will be stuck with a extremely incompetent man in the White House for four more years.

Elections matter. The people will recover from the Hurricane. But can the Country afford four more years of President Obama? No.
TeamObama has done everything it could to divide America. It was their campaign strstegy, unroll they came up with big bird, binders and bayonnets. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Jan '08 our main objective is to make Obama a one term president..Sound familiar?
John Kerry [debate prep], the Clintons, Repub election fraud.......

nobody will blame Bath House Barry because he's negro and the messiah......I go back and forth in my mind about whether he will run again in 2016.....part of me says he's lazy and shiftless and just happy to choom it up in Hawaii....the other part of me says he won't like the negative legacy forming over the next couple years and still believes he's a messiah.....I lean toward lazy. he'll resort to lying about his legacy.....he's gonna say some crazy shit when he leaves office, maybe even in the lame duck period.....
Jan '08 our main objective is to make Obama a one term president..Sound familiar? Originally Posted by ekim008

Sure. We wanted to stop the destruction of America....can't let the bleeding go on beyond 4 years.....
Same in '08 as now you don't know shit...