NiceGuy53's Avatar
CBJ7, you continue to show what a dumbass you really are, post after post. Like COG said, you don't even understand your own posts. So a surprise attack and a calculated attack are the same thing? Really? In some of your other recent posts, you have confused an embassy with a consulate. You also said the attack started at the embassy and spread to the consulate, when what really happened was the attack started at the consulate and then spread to the CIA annex. You have confused a seal team with former seals. You said the special ops were sent to Italy. And then in the next sentence you said the order to send in these forces was given. There is a difference between staging forces and sending them in. And when you are called on this, you talk about "splitting hairs" and "deflecting", which BTW you are the master of. Like I tried to tell you before, you would be doing yourself a big favor, if you could express your ideas in a coherent manner. Just a little friendly advice pal.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2012, 12:32 PM
CBJ7, you continue to show what a dumbass you really are, post after post. Like COG said, you don't even understand your own posts. So a surprise attack and a calculated attack are the same thing? Really? In some of your other recent posts, you have confused an embassy with a consulate. You also said the attack started at the embassy and spread to the consulate, when what really happened was the attack started at the consulate and then spread to the CIA annex. You have confused a seal team with former seals. You said the special ops were sent to Italy. And then in the next sentence you said the order to send in these forces was given. There is a difference between staging forces and sending them in. And when you are called on this, you talk about "splitting hairs" and"deflecting", which BTW you are the master of. Like I tried to tell you before, you would do doing yourself a big favor, if you could express your ideas in a coherent manner. Just a little friendly advice pal. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
thats nice.

CBJ7, you continue to show what a dumbass you really are, post after post. Like COG said, you don't even understand your own posts. So a surprise attack and a calculated attack are the same thing? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Idiot! Dictionaries don't just reprint duplicate word-for-word definitions of synonyms for all those synonyms. CJ7 merely quoted what was in the dictionary because you SILLY BASTARDS think an "ACT OF TERROR" cannot be used as a synonym for "A TERRORIST ACT" !

In addition, most of your stupid brethren try to make a big deal out of Obama saying we wouldn't be deterred by ACTS OF TERROR (plural) with an "S" because he was also warning the Terrorists about all past and future attempts.

You are all hair-splitting morons who never apologize or admit your mistakes or retract your false statements.

While the above was directed mainly at NiceGuy53, here are a couple of quotes for the other like-minded offenders:

Three people have used that rape line. JD, joe blow and LovingKayla.

How can anyone be so Gullible? Originally Posted by WTF

+1 I've called out Barleybrains on his saying the ambassador was raped yet he remains hiding in the shadows when there is a mistake to apologize for.

But none of our Tea Nuts will admit that they have been wrong about this "Stand Down" crap.

They have all made this false accusations which are way worse than anything they might think this admin did.

Will any ever admit their constant lie?

Who will be the first among you Tea Pukes?

My guess is LovingKayla will be the only one. She is gullible as fuck and dumb as a stump about politics but will admit when she is wrong if Glenn Beck says to! Originally Posted by WTF
+1 Yeah, COF has typed the "Stand down" slam so many times that you would think he was there but like all of his worthless posts, he is just parroting wing nut blogs and FAUX or Deadbart.

This also reminds me that cpt.johnstone said he'd previously said he admitted he was wrong about deaths at embassies under Bush but he didn't and only admitted it after I called him on it in another thread.

  • Laz
  • 11-05-2012, 12:51 PM
None of this explains why they spent so many days blaming it on a stupid video. They had plenty of time and information to know better.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey Stevie, I linked to the report by an Italian and Lebanese newspaper reporting the sodomy. I will not do it again so do YOUR research. Even Snopes does not support you Stevie. They call the story undetermined so they cannot call it one way of the other. I cite newspapers and you cite nothing. I win!

Even Obama was on top of this from the get go then why blame the video, why claim there was a protest, and why arrest (and continue to incarcerate) a film maker? Why do any of this if Obama has been on top of things?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2012, 01:08 PM
Hey Stevie, I linked to the report by an Italian and Lebanese newspaper reporting the sodomy. I will not do it again so do YOUR research. Even Snopes does not support you Stevie. They call the story undetermined so they cannot call it one way of the other. I cite newspapers and you cite nothing. I win!

Even Obama was on top of this from the get go then why blame the video, why claim there was a protest, and why arrest (and continue to incarcerate) a film maker? Why do any of this if Obama has been on top of things? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

has anyone told you youre a dumbass today?

The AFP has sent out the following statement:
Greetings, Concerning your query on the report published by a Lebanese website according to which ambassador Stevens was sodomized. That report falsely quoted our news agency and has no truth whatsover to it. AFP promptly sent a strongly worded complaint to that website and they removed the report and published a denial, saying that AFP did not report such a thing.

A news report made by the Libyan Free Press was also reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized before he was killed. Their video was removed.

No?, well then, youre a dumbass
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Will you PLEASE STFU about Benghazi?

You have nothing new. Actually all the new stuff calls bullshit on your wild accusations.

Please find something worth a fuck or just STFU!

I think I speak for everybody when we say we're tired of hearing about the "rape" of our embassador.

Just STFU!

NiceGuy53's Avatar
Idiot! Dictionaries don't just reprint duplicate word-for-word definitions of synonyms for all those synonyms. CJ7 merely quoted what was in the dictionary because you SILLY BASTARDS think an "ACT OF TERROR" cannot be used as a synonym for "A TERRORIST ACT" !
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
And here I thought CBJ7 was the biggest idiot on this board. Little Stevie, you are right up there with CBJ7 for that honor. You two are two peas from the same shit pod.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And here I thought CBJ7 was the biggest idiot on this board. Little Stevie, you are right up there with CBJ7 for that honor. You two are two peas from the same shit pod. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53


CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2012, 02:01 PM

HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA JA JA Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

tony better start making plans to sell his house in N Texas
Hey Stevie, I linked to the report by an Italian and Lebanese newspaper reporting the sodomy. I will not do it again so do YOUR research. Even Snopes does not support you Stevie. They call the story undetermined so they cannot call it one way of the other. I cite newspapers and you cite nothing. I win!

Even Obama was on top of this from the get go then why blame the video, why claim there was a protest, and why arrest (and continue to incarcerate) a film maker? Why do any of this if Obama has been on top of things? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

when they interviewed the Dr who worked on him.He said there was no evidence of rape and died from smoke inhalation ...
NiceGuy53's Avatar

HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA JA JA Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
"You got nothing, Assup"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2012, 03:05 PM
when they interviewed the Dr who worked on him.He said there was no evidence of rape and died from smoke inhalation ... Originally Posted by ekim008
l think JD, COG and LK had a wet dream that he was raped. Like their is some homosexual middle eastern gang raping terrorist! Good Lord these fucs have lost it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"You got nothing, Assup" Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
I got a 7-1 record at the turn, and your boys suck.
Hey Stevie, I linked to the report by an Italian and Lebanese newspaper reporting the sodomy. I will not do it again so do YOUR research. Even Snopes does not support you Stevie. They call the story undetermined so they cannot call it one way of the other. I cite newspapers and you cite nothing. I win!

Even Obama was on top of this from the get go then why blame the video, why claim there was a protest, and why arrest (and continue to incarcerate) a film maker? Why do any of this if Obama has been on top of things? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
has anyone told you youre a dumbass today?

The AFP has sent out the following statement:
Greetings, Concerning your query on the report published by a Lebanese website according to which ambassador Stevens was sodomized. That report falsely quoted our news agency and has no truth whatsover to it. AFP promptly sent a strongly worded complaint to that website and they removed the report and published a denial, saying that AFP did not report such a thing.

A news report made by the Libyan Free Press was also reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized before he was killed. Their video was removed.

No?, well then, youre a dumbass
Originally Posted by CJ7
OOPS! Barleybrains is slammed to the canvas AGAIN! Ouch! That one is gonna leave yet another mark! Well done CJ7!

Now the cowardly little lying asses are off the sodomy and the "stand down" lies and are deflecting back toward the video.

What fucking losers! I wonder if providers have that much trouble pinning them down to a specific time?

Oh, wait, they have no outside lives except for Barleybrains who teaches propaganda at a school for morons!