Orielly Has It Right

Orielly also said "they want free stuff"....

I don't want free stuff. I just want to work for stuff. Unless you consider a good economy free stuff....fuckers

Where the fuck is Doove the douche?
No offense, but I didn't even need to read the rest of the post, after the title. O'Reilly NEVER has it right. Christie always talked about being Governor of New Jersey first (why he claimed to turned down a potential bid for POTUS himself)...and that is what he was doing for his people. If Christie does lose GOP approval, hope he becomes the leader for a new third-party.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Orielly also said "they want free stuff"....

I don't want free stuff. I just want to work for stuff. Unless you consider a good economy free stuff....fuckers

Where the fuck is Doove the douche? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
he's probably sipping champagne.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm not saying it, the exit polls are saying it.

When a voter in Ohio says that watching the President and Governor work together made her decide on President Obama. That is big.

In a month, when New Jersey is still sloshing around in hurricane debre, and President Obama is not answering the Governors calls, it will sink in. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's a ridiculously stoopid remark on a couple of levels. But, since you are a typical Tea Partay Parrotriot checkers player who showed up at a chess match, let me 'splain a couple of things to you, Lucille.....:

1. Noo Joisey is across the river from nasty, ol', liburral New York City, i.e. the heart of the Lamestream Media. Nevertheless, and jokes about Cow Jersey notwithstanding, if the President for Four More Years reneges on help over there, he'll be crucified because it will be seen as a regional affront that smacks of Shrub's abandonment of New Orleans after Katrina.

2. The President for Four More Years will delight in rubbing it in, all the while demonstrating what "Big Guvment" can do, so look for NJ to actually make out better than they probably should. You'll have to look for this because this will be done relatively quietly in order to shore up a Democratic rebound. Look for Fat Boy to soften his rhetoric a bit when it comes to criticizing the hand that is feeding his state.

3. Christie is popular in NJ because of what HE has done as well as how he has done it. Whiny-ass Tea Pukes who cannot influence local NJ politics will be told to pound sand. The Repubs will have to tack back to the center like in the '60s when they moved away from Goldwater and towards Tricky Dick or they will become the Whigs.

4. Christie finally got what he has wanted all along: Springsteen's acknowledgement that he exists. That's so sad on numerous levels.

Personally, I say, "Let's hear it for the Whigs!"
he's probably sipping champagne. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Or you are sipping it out of his ass with a straw...sick fucker
And Christie has become the scape goat of the GOP.
Democrats steal the election it'd Christie's fault .headlines at fox...
markroxny's Avatar

O'reilly left out one thing, the Auto-bailout. Romney was on the wrong side of it, and Obama was on the right side of it.