The problem is that conservatives want to control our lives as much as liberals do, just in different areas. Rush, Hannity, et. al. are as much a part of the problem as Idiot Ed Schultz, Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow. As Ron Paul put it, they're just fighting over who gets the loot.
We need a movement based on freedom. We are endowed by our Creator to be able to live our lives with as little government interference as possible. That's what our Founders fought and died for.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG - I agree with you. The question was about conservatives, so my response was addressing the question. The difference with the Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow is that they don't embrace level of hate and vitriol towards minorities that the conservative media embraces. For example, today a Hispanic lady calls Rush Limbaugh and said that she owns a Marketing firm that specializes in addressing the Hispanic market and that she offered her services for free to the GOP in order to increase their reach towards the Hispanic community. Well, no one was interested and she couldn't help them, not even for free. To top it off, Rush was totally disrespectful and condescending with her. He came across as if he knew everything about Hispanics and pretty much dismissed her. Well, now you have someone who was willing to help disenfranchised. Guess what she'll do? She'll vote against her own interests because of the way she was treated. Keep that up and get ready for red states to turn to blue states in upcoming elections. Hispanics don't want handouts, they want to work and to be left alone, but when they're treated as second class citizens by the right wing media, well, you just pushed them away to the other side.