Whatzup, I think you're afraid and/or mentally ill. In another web someone noted all the layoffs, firings, and freezed due to Obamacare and all you can do is laugh about it. You are mentally ill.
As for Tex, get ready to move. For someone who pretends to be from the south....the south is no longer the land of cotton but it is the land of military bases and oil. How well do you think the US will do if 85% of the refineries pull out of the union? Norfolk, Fort Benning, Camp Lejeune, King's Bay, Jacksonville, Fort Hood, Fort Campbell, Pascagula, Corpus Christie, Brownsville, New Orleans, Fort Smith, VMI, and if there was a general walk out I think Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Missouir, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona would follow. So we can add Leavenworth, Whiteman Air Force Base, Fort Leonard Woods, Omaha, and so many more. For some reason following the Civil War the federal government built a lot of bases in the south and a lot of southern men make up the plurality of the US military. Be careful what you wish for TEX. We'll have to start calling you DIX.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're confusing southern white men who voted against Obama (large number) with southern men who are willing to leave the union (much smaller number).
As you noted, southern men are a plurality, not a majority of the military. But, the soldiers from southern states are not just whites, as you apparently believe. Those numbers include blacks, Hispanics and Asians. So the number of white southerners is a considerably smaller plurality. And when you subtract the white southerners who don't share your secessionist bug, the plurality gets ever smaller.
It is clear in this thread and the Texas secession thread that you think white southern secessionists are a majority in their states. They aren't and never will be. I doubt they could even wrangle 10% of the vote.
They are loud and visible, but they are nowhere near a significant voting bloc.
I just don't see white kids from Plano, Richardson, Dallas caring all that much about the Confederacy or some quixotic Republic of Texas. Maybe if they have no education, job or future, they might grasp at that straw. But generally, the Confederacy nostalgia is limited to the white, male, gray hairs like yourself who are not yet dependent on Social Security or Medicare.
You're a dying bunch. And not a moment too soon.