Good Samaritan or Pimp? Helping someone down on their luck or taking advantage of someone who is in trouble?

Man, there's too much information on the internet about this industry for someone seriously considering it to not have any information. That in itself would be a red flag. If she doesn't have the smarts to do her own research in this day and age, she's a pimp's dream waiting to happen anyway.

When a lady between the ages of 18 and 25 mentions that she wants to get into the adult industry, the first thing that should be asked is what research have you done? If she's a stripper or thinking about stripping, she's getting/going to get her education from some pimp's girl in the dressing room. But with all the talk about Backpage in the news (that's if she bothers to watch) there should be at least some knowledge of the online escort scene.

For the most part, when a young girl corners you with a story about being kicked out, or something being cut off or broken down, they're really looking for you to offer. Most women who are whores in their real life look for the one guy who can be called on in a crisis. When she's going through her little spiel tugging at your heart strings, in the back of her mind she already knows she either WANTS to sleep with you, or if she's trying to get something for free. The last thing someone looking to get something for free wants to hear is 'you ever think about sex for money?' Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
So strippers LIE?

Still Looking's Avatar
So strippers LIE?

Originally Posted by beezdat
Cpalmson's Avatar
As long as you are not making a profit off of her providing then you are not a pimp. That includes her giving it to you for free just to get you to promote her to your buddies. As long as you keep paying her the normal rate and you gain nothing other than pleasure then no your not a pimp. Originally Posted by kymberlane
I kinda disagree with you on this one. If a lady is willing to give it up for free or more likely a reduced rate in return for promotion/word of mouth recommendation, I don't see that as crossing the line as being a pimp or acting like a pimp. I see it as a business decision by the provider to use a reasonable business technique to increase market share. I think it is a long-standing practice by providers to be willing to give a freebie or reduced rate in return for a review.
Cpalmson, if the guy knows she needs the money, and if he is truly a good person, he would never expect it for free, no matter if she offers it--he would still pay. And its the same as being promoted by a pimp who fucks his ho's then tells others how good she is. You would be no better than him.

Then again, Im talking to hobbyists who usually do anything they can to haggle and get it for free or next to nothing. Your mindset is different than the normal man. Its really pretty fucked up.
pyramider's Avatar
Are you insinuating that hobbyists' minds are tainted?
LOL yes, that you guys expect sex in return for helping anyone. Probably like that in your RL, you expect something in return for anything that you do for someone else. Ive only ever met a handful of hobbyists who do not think that way. Those guys arent so deep into it either. No offense to anyone, just stating the obvious.

What gets me is that if she is someone you know on a personal level, why the hell would you recommend her hooking? If you were a true friend and had the means you would help in other ways--not always financially. But maybe speaking for her for a job, etc. Ive met plenty of pimp wannabe hobbyist. Funny when I first started how many offered to vouch for me if I gave them free massages. Haha...Im good at marketing and said no thanks. I did make it a point to meet the "important" guys. They have their own lil back channel going on--and fyi never asked for shit for free and still vouched for me, and tipped to boot.

Its my opinion that its the assholes who kick the ladies when they are down, and its fucked up if you know she needs money to even suggest she give you a freebee. Thats scum. But hey it is what it is.
Then again, Im talking to hobbyists who usually do anything they can to haggle and get it for free or next to nothing. Your mindset is different than the normal man. Its really pretty fucked up. Originally Posted by kymberlane
Hobbyist are just efficient time managers. All men do what they can to get in some for free. Trouble is, the game takes a lil bit of time

I love the way your boobs bounce when you lecture us.
john_deere's Avatar
No, SL. Eating lamb and leading a sheep to slaughter are two different things. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
that is fucking brilliant! love it.
Beez Ill slap you with them!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Cpalmson, if the guy knows she needs the money, and if he is truly a good person, he would never expect it for free, no matter if she offers it--he would still pay. And its the same as being promoted by a pimp who fucks his ho's then tells others how good she is. You would be no better than him.

Then again, Im talking to hobbyists who usually do anything they can to haggle and get it for free or next to nothing. Your mindset is different than the normal man. Its really pretty fucked up. Originally Posted by kymberlane
LOL yes, that you guys expect sex in return for helping anyone. Probably like that in your RL, you expect something in return for anything that you do for someone else. Ive only ever met a handful of hobbyists who do not think that way. Those guys arent so deep into it either. No offense to anyone, just stating the obvious.

What gets me is that if she is someone you know on a personal level, why the hell would you recommend her hooking? If you were a true friend and had the means you would help in other ways--not always financially. But maybe speaking for her for a job, etc. Ive met plenty of pimp wannabe hobbyist. Funny when I first started how many offered to vouch for me if I gave them free massages. Haha...Im good at marketing and said no thanks. I did make it a point to meet the "important" guys. They have their own lil back channel going on--and fyi never asked for shit for free and still vouched for me, and tipped to boot.

Its my opinion that its the assholes who kick the ladies when they are down, and its fucked up if you know she needs money to even suggest she give you a freebee. Thats scum. But hey it is what it is. Originally Posted by kymberlane
First off, I never haggle with a provider. I see her rate; I pay her rate. Second, I would NEVER ask a provider for a freebie or even a reduced rate for a good review or recommendation. Now if she offers me a freebie or reduced rate, that's her own decision and not forced by me. Third, I don't expect sex for helping a lady in need. Fourth, I'd never suggest to a lady (acquaintance or not) that she should think about pay for play. Fifth, I'm exactly the guy you described above. I do have a back-channel network of guys. We all pay. We all treat the ladies respect. We never ask for freebies, and we honestly try our best to give advice and pointers to those ladies who do like the game they are playing and want to do well at it. Nothing like a little pillow talk to help her do better in the biz.
Still Looking's Avatar
No, SL. Eating lamb and leading a sheep to slaughter are two different things. I personally couldn't do the latter. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
pyramider's Avatar
Beez Ill slap you with them!! Originally Posted by kymberlane
Be sure to upcharge him.
Beez Ill slap you with them!! Originally Posted by kymberlane
Of course I'd be expecting sex in return for helping you work out your frustrations. And if you wanted a review on this, a discount would also apply I'm assuming.

Now...Mark me up missy
I started because I was in bad shape financially. Signed up with an agency, made enough to keep to my apartment and feed myself. But it wasn't until I went indy that I became successful and really began loving my job.

But there were people during my agency to indy transition that definitely tried these games. And because my agency provided me with ZERO practical information it could have gotten ugly. I was given "advice" on my rates and menu that would have resulted in either severe burnout or self loathing.

At the end of the day, no matter how close you are, any man that wants to give you tips for being an escort is only looking out for himself. If I had a dollar for every guy that tried to convince me to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for $200/hour.......oh wait. I do.
Amanda A'mor's Avatar
It seems most are concerned with mentioning p4p to a young lady in need. To coerce, intimidate, or intentionally mislead her into the underground world IMO would be wrong. To give her options and making sure she understands the consequences, would be informing her. Participating in p4p with a young lady that's willfully doing it would not make YOU a pimp. But on the other hand pimps ain't pimps because they like pussy, it's supply and demand for monetary gain.

It's a vicious world that consumes the uninformed so helping a girl out by giving her ALL of the information, you could possibly prevent her from being sucked in by the lowlifes. If she makes the decision to do p4p, it would at least be an informed choice.. Originally Posted by beezdat