So, How's That Arab Spring Working For You?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2012, 11:28 AM
The Egyptians can have whatever government they want. I just think it's hypocritical that we helped them install an Islamist regime. Mubarak would not have been overthrown without US assistance.

That's all, Timmy. Sorry you don't understand. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

yeah, we should have sent Billy over and shoved a hardcore christian government up their asses ... that'd show em
The Egyptians can have whatever government they want. I just think it's hypocritical that we helped them install an Islamist regime. Mubarak would not have been overthrown without US assistance.

That's all, Timmy. Sorry you don't understand. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I understand perfectly. You're making up stories again.

I'm sorry COG, but you simply saying the US overthrew Mubarak does not make it so. I get that your brand of logic dictates, at least to you, that whatever ridiculous assertions you care to make are true. But, some of the rest of us still need to rely on facts.

You got any? I'll concede Obama wasn't going to take any action to support Mubarak once it became clear that the majority of Egyptians wanted him gone. Are you saying that we should have actively interfered in what was clearly an internal political struggle in Egypt? In order to prevent an Islamist regime from taking power? Wouldn't that be a violation of your libertarian/isolationist philosophy? And, what exactly is it that you think we could have done to prevent what happened?

The fact is, you don't like what you perceive at this time to be the outcome in Egypt. And if you don't like it, as with everything else that happens politically that you don't like, in your pea-brain it must somehow be President Obama's fault. So, you make shit up out of thin air to support the assertion. I guess another way to put it would be that you are what you constantly accuse President Obama of being: a liar.
markroxny's Avatar
You got any? I'll concede Obama wasn't going to take any action to support Mubarak once it became clear that the majority of Egyptians wanted him gone. Are you saying that we should have actively interfered in what was clearly an internal political struggle in Egypt? In order to prevent an Islamist regime from taking power? Wouldn't that be a violation of your libertarian/isolationist philosophy? And, what exactly is it that you think we could have done to prevent what happened? Originally Posted by timpage
Or to go a step further...what would Gary Johnson have done?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I understand perfectly. You're making up stories again.

I'm sorry COG, but you simply saying the US overthrew Mubarak does not make it so. I get that your brand of logic dictates, at least to you, that whatever ridiculous assertions you care to make are true. But, some of the rest of us still need to rely on facts.

You got any? I'll concede Obama wasn't going to take any action to support Mubarak once it became clear that the majority of Egyptians wanted him gone. Are you saying that we should have actively interfered in what was clearly an internal political struggle in Egypt? In order to prevent an Islamist regime from taking power? Wouldn't that be a violation of your libertarian/isolationist philosophy? And, what exactly is it that you think we could have done to prevent what happened?

The fact is, you don't like what you perceive at this time to be the outcome in Egypt. And if you don't like it, as with everything else that happens politically that you don't like, in your pea-brain it must somehow be President Obama's fault. So, you make shit up out of thin air to support the assertion. I guess another way to put it would be that you are what you constantly accuse President Obama of being: a liar. Originally Posted by timpage
Obama took credit for the Arab Spring. Not me. He actively supported the Muslim Brotherhood. That is interference. I don't care what the Egyptians do, but I do care that they are doing with our money, and our support. Non-intervention means non-intervention. No money, no hardware, no troops. Let them determine for themselves.

And then to brag about the changes being made, when those changes include limiting the rights of women, and re-instating slavery makes this President look like a fool. Which he is.

I wasn't criticizing the changes being made in Egypt. I was criticizing the hypocritical stand and policies of this administration concerning the changes.

And yes, I will criticize Obama when he deserves it. Trouble is, he deserves it a lot. He is a dishonest, corrupt and incompetent President. That hasn't changed, even though he was re-elected.
markroxny's Avatar
Obama took credit for the Arab Spring. Not me. He actively supported the Muslim Brotherhood. That is interference. I don't care what the Egyptians do, but I do care that they are doing with our money, and our support. Non-intervention means non-intervention. No money, no hardware, no troops. Let them determine for themselves. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Links please.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2012, 12:25 PM
Links please. Originally Posted by markroxny

as usual its a different take than COF says it is ..
Links please. Originally Posted by markroxny

There aren't any, don't waste your time.

He's caught, he knows it, he has no choice but to continue to offer broad unsupported statements that simply aren't true. His other choice is to just admit he's wrong and that what he has been posting isn't correct. I'll wait for hell to freeze over.
Obama took credit for the Arab Spring. Not me. He actively supported the Muslim Brotherhood. That is interference. I don't care what the Egyptians do, but I do care that they are doing with our money, and our support. Non-intervention means non-intervention. No money, no hardware, no troops. Let them determine for themselves.

And then to brag about the changes being made, when those changes include limiting the rights of women, and re-instating slavery makes this President look like a fool. Which he is.

I wasn't criticizing the changes being made in Egypt. I was criticizing the hypocritical stand and policies of this administration concerning the changes.

And yes, I will criticize Obama when he deserves it. Trouble is, he deserves it a lot. He is a dishonest, corrupt and incompetent President. That hasn't changed, even though he was re-elected. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How did Obama actively support the Muslim Brotherhood? Specifically. Links, cites, any support at all for your statement.

When did Obama brag about limiting the rights of women and whatever slavery issue you are talking about. Specifically. Links, cites, any support at all for your statement.

And we've been giving money and lots of great hardware to Egypt forever. Why do you think Mubarak was our friend? I presume you advocated the idea of pulling all US aid to Egypt back when Mubarak was running the show then, right? Since that would be interference? And intervention? You are so full of shit.

The problem is that you criticize Obama when he doesn't deserve it, and it makes you look the fool.....even when he does deserve it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here are some links. We already know that Obama has supported Morsi. And at least Mubarak held to the Camp David accords, but I still don't support sending them money or hardware. You are the one who is blind, Timmy.
markroxny's Avatar
Here are some links. We already know that Obama has supported Morsi. And at least Mubarak held to the Camp David accords, but I still don't support sending them money or hardware. You are the one who is blind, Timmy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Read you links, they don't back up your assertions. Tim's questions still stand.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim's questions are stupid. And my links are fine.
markroxny's Avatar
Tim's questions are stupid. And my links are fine. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Stupid because you can't give specific intelligent answers to them? Read them again, and I dare you to answer them with specific citations. (of course we know you can't)

How did Obama actively support the Muslim Brotherhood? Specifically. Links, cites, any support at all for your statement.

When did Obama brag about limiting the rights of women and whatever slavery issue you are talking about. Specifically. Links, cites, any support at all for your statement.

And we've been giving money and lots of great hardware to Egypt forever. Why do you think Mubarak was our friend? I presume you advocated the idea of pulling all US aid to Egypt back when Mubarak was running the show then, right? Since that would be interference? And intervention? You are so full of shit. Originally Posted by timpage
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2012, 03:03 PM
Tim's questions are stupid. And my links are fine. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

amazin aint it?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gawd, the way you people ignore what Obama says and does is amazing. Oh, well. I tried. Some are too brainwashed to know what is going on. 'Tis sad. 'Tis.
Tim's questions are stupid. And my links are fine. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My questions aren't stupid, you just can't answer them.

Your articles contain zero support for the assertions you've made. Obama made statements in support of the democratisation of the Arab world. This we know. Doesn't in any way support the statements made in your posts.

Just admit that you are a liar and that you make this shit up as you go along. It's OK, we'll forgive you. We all know the truth anyway, dumbass. You just make yourself look more silly by continuing to push an absurd position.

On to the next COG canard!