dont you fools likes the black choclit?

KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Google Fiber must be live on the Ave.
LoveWomen's Avatar
It takes all kinds of talent to satisfy all manner of tastes.

Let's be wary of those who live in glass houses wishing to cast stones upon a simple harlot.

If every post (and poster) had the integrity and honesty evident in the OP,
our little community would greatly benefit.

(Plus, I wonder how many otherwise healthy-minded young American boys ate their pancakes while lusting after Mrs Butterworth's bosom)
What a catch lol
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
I used to cum on the syrup bottle all the time. Originally Posted by The DarkSide
Remind me not to eat pancakes with you DS!
Mr. Crowley's Avatar
I always wanted to do aunt Jemima, I used to cum on the syrup bottle all the time. I will schedule her and report back, wish me luck! Originally Posted by The DarkSide
That would explain the lifetime ban at ihop.
That would explain the lifetime ban at ihop. Originally Posted by Mr. Crowley
We can all stop replying now! Mr. C just won the award for Best Reply!!!!!!!

I hope her account didn't get hacked, or that indeed this is a joke. SMH
The DarkSide's Avatar
That would explain the lifetime ban at ihop. Originally Posted by Mr. Crowley
You don't want to hear what I used to do with shampoo bottle and how I made donuts!
As long as they aren't brown donut holes.
noooooooooo say it TAINT so!
Somewhere out there in the great void we call the real world, someone just sat up and said "Diiiiiid somebody say......taint??"

No worries, Pyramider will be along shortly.....
Just wondering how low this one will go....LOL...
I always wanted to do aunt Jemima, I used to cum on the syrup bottle all the time. I will schedule her and report back, wish me luck! Originally Posted by The DarkSide
I have a custom made Aunt Jemima flogger that I use to beat white ass with. It was created by a white woman.

The metal beads on the end will leave a good sting.
  • cynic
  • 12-11-2012, 11:52 AM
You don't want to hear what I used to do with shampoo bottle and how I made donuts! Originally Posted by The DarkSide

Somewhere out there in the great void we call the real world, someone just sat up and said "Diiiiiid somebody say......taint??"

No worries, Pyramider will be along shortly..... Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh