Flaws in the verification process

The DarkSide's Avatar
Fucking Nebraska, I think they should sucede from the union!
I once slipped on a banana peel when crossing the street
No kidding.....just like the cartoons. I still watch out for cars instead of banana peels though.

.....btw how are we so sure the police impersonated Mr. T in Nebraska.....and it wasn't him on the phone?.....
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 12-11-2012, 08:55 PM
One basic point among you 'Providers' why do you share your personal names? Even if you meet every once in a while, why can't you go by your screen names or some xyz name instead of real names?. Even with clients why do you share your real names? I know some clients share their real names...thats crazy.

Its not that he doesn't understand it, he's referring to the bust that happened in Nebraska back in Oct where a lady who asked me for a reference was busted. She admitted that she didn't do any homework on the guy and went by my reference only. After that, a huge cluster fuck begins. Originally Posted by MsElena

One basic point among you 'Providers' why do you share your personal names? Even if you meet every once in a while, why can't you go by your screen names or some xyz name instead of real names?. Even with clients why do you share your real names? I know some clients share their real names...thats crazy. Originally Posted by modda
Well among us "Providers" whatever that is supposed to mean, most of us don't. Same thing with strippers. Again, if you have a problem with this behavior stop paying for it.