Doomsday Preppers...Anyone Here Into This?

My Plan is to make it to the nearest Walmart with a group friends and take over the place... It's got enough of everything to last for a while. Food, Water, Guns, Ammo, and most importantly, lots of bedding in case any of the ladies decide to join our merry band of marauders. Originally Posted by TXHunter007
You and everyone else man. Think grocery stores are the go to place in case of an emergency, so one would imagine the hellhole it would become
Yeah I saw Dawn Of The Dead too !
Guest010619's Avatar
So which is preferred? Target or Walmart?
Walmart and Target are too difficult to fortify. Too many doors and windows. The place to go is Costco out by the Forum. There is an Academy in that same strip mall that would have enough ammo to last for a good while and the Costco can be fortified with the roll down steel garage doors. If power was cut you would have charcoal grills, charcoal, batteries, flashlights, tents, food and water.
Guest010619's Avatar
I think I would head out to Bass Pro as they have more ammo and survival gear, including traps and prep kits. Be interesting as we slowly wean away from clothing to animal skins again. This may also be the time to divide the nation between Red / Blue State now that govt assistance is not likely.
Wow, a cornucopia of information right here!! Never thought about Bass Pro Shop or CostCo!!
rex-man's Avatar
I learned my lesson Prepping for Y2K...

I got good & Ammo now try to come through the gate,
lets see if the Claymores are still hot.LOL
mwsatx's Avatar
I spend 15 years in a place down south where hurricanes are common. Having been hit several times in the 80's & 90's, we had our plan down pat. Gasoline (for the generator), water, food & liquor were the essentials. Oh yeah, ammo too, to shoot the effing looters. Had a real bad storm in 92 and was without power for 27 days.

Funny thing is that about 9 months after every storm, the hospitals would report a "mini baby boom!" Hmmm...
GuySmiley's Avatar
If you're worried about general natural disasters, then just think ahead like others here have mentioned...

If you're worried about a Zombie Apocalypse, then I recommend this book:

Sounds nutty at first, but as you read it, you begin to really think about this kinda stuff more than you think you would...

With my luck, I'll be one of the first zombie casualties and then I'll be looking for brains, much like this:
Eccie Zombie Roundtable...
colt's Avatar
  • colt
  • 12-13-2012, 04:47 AM
I'm planning on letting a few select ladies of breeding age into my fortified compound. Tryouts will commence shortly, ammo, arms, and condoms provided, must be good looking and have truck, send pictures of truck. Additional points for being able to butcher farm animals, and cooking skills.
joesnapshot's Avatar
Eccie Zombie Roundtable...
Originally Posted by Likinikki
Lolz!! Fucking hilarious!! Reminds me of faculty/staff meetings at institutions of higher learning!
Zombie Thought For The Day...

haha I see you ...@GUYSMILEY. zombie survival guide gave you up boy
Tco11's Avatar
  • Tco11
  • 04-02-2013, 07:54 PM
Bass Pro Shops is the place to go! Guns and more bigger guns, ammo, camping and everything else you would need to hold off the "zombie" aka "Liberals" attack ...

UOTE=TXHunter007;1052022565]My Plan is to make it to the nearest Walmart with a group friends and take over the place... It's got enough of everything to last for a while. Food, Water, Guns, Ammo, and most importantly, lots of bedding in case any of the ladies decide to join our merry band of marauders.[/QUOTE]