US To Hit Debt Limit On Monday, Dec 31

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Scorched Earth.
Let it go over the cliff. With Obama's obsession with raising everyones taxes, and Repubs obsession to cut spending, its the perfect solution. They might as well all go home until congress reconvenes after the new year.
“In the short term, Republicans are blamed more than Democrats,” Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), the incoming chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, acknowledged. “I think in the long term, the political damage is to the president and to Democrats.”
A number of Democrats — several of whom will face voters in 2014 — worry no one will be unscathed, including President Barack Obama. If taxes skyrocket and deep cuts take effect, Obama could preside over an eroding economy that could torpedo his second-term agenda as he tries to broaden his presidency to focus on issues like immigration reform and gun control. Voters, Democrats in the Senate fear, will take it out on them, as well.
joe bloe's Avatar
Scorched Earth.
Let it go over the cliff. With Obama's obsession with raising everyones taxes, and Repubs obsession to cut spending, its the perfect solution. They might as well all go home until congress reconvenes after the new year. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
It wouldn't be so bad if the automatic cuts were to welfare (Section 8 Housing, WIC, SSI, etc) instead of military spending. It figures they won't cut the programs they're constitutionally prohibited from funding and instead cut defense which they are constitutionally required to fund.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
The reblicans are driving us all over the cliff, are they are a dying breed of older white guys. The young reb like jonh aka bonehead Boehner are just trying to save their own ass, they will lose very badly in the mid terms i promise you that.
joe bloe's Avatar
The reblicans are driving us all over the cliff, are they are a dying breed of older white guys. The young reb like jonh aka bonehead Boehner are just trying to save their own ass, they will lose very badly in the mid terms i promise you that. Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Do you have a problem with white people? Do you have a problem with old people? Do you have a problem with men?

Prejudice seems to be socially acceptable as long as it's directed at white people, especially old white men. I wonder why.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The Republican party is made up of dinosaurs.

. . . Their time has long past, but they don't even recognize the facts!

  • Laz
  • 12-30-2012, 06:47 PM
What is going to happen to the democrats when we can no longer kick the can down the road and the bill comes due. All those precious aid programs will be unsustainable at any level.
joe bloe's Avatar
What is going to happen to the democrats when we can no longer kick the can down the road and the bill comes due. All those precious aid programs will be unsustainable at any level. Originally Posted by Laz
I think we're almost there. Unfortunately, the question is not what's going to happen to the Democrats. The question is what's going to happen to the country. It's not going to be pretty.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3][COLOR=Blue]The Republican party is made up of dinosaurs.

. . . Their time has long past, but they don't even recognize the facts! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Heh. Dinosaurs indeed

Harry Reid D-NV December 2, 1939 (age 73)

Frank Lautenberg D-NJ January 23, 1924 (age 88)

Daniel Akaka D-HI September 11, 1924 (age 88)

Dianne Feinstein D-CA June 22, 1933 (age 79)

Carl Levin D-MI June 28, 1934 (age 78)

Herb Kohl D-WI February 7, 1935 (age 77)

Barbara Mikulski D-MD July 20, 1936 (age 76)
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think you misunderstood my remark about Dinosaurs on purpose.

1.I do not mean that in physical age, but in their mode of thinking.

2.They think they're better able to decide how a woman should deal with her body.

3.They do not believe in Global Warming.

4.They believe they are somehow above 47% of the people in the country,

, , , Surely you know these simple truths, do you not?

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I think you misunderstood my remark about Dinosaurs on purpose.

1.I do not mean that in physical age, but in their mode of thinking.

2.They think they're better able to decide how a woman should deal with her body.

3.They do not believe in Global Warming.

4.They believe they are somehow above 47% of the people in the country,

, , , Surely you know these simple truths, do you not?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
says the poster who thought the Onion was a legit newspaper and starts thread on who will win the super bowl where 1/3 of the selections had already been eliminated from the play offs
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon, you talk about "believing in global warming" like it's believing in fairies or God or something. Global warming either is or isn't. It isn't. Don't worry about it, and go back to kneeling in front of your altar to Obama.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I think you misunderstood my remark about Dinosaurs on purpose.

1.I do not mean that in physical age, but in their mode of thinking.

2.They think they're better able to decide how a woman should deal with her body.

3.They do not believe in Global Warming.

4.They believe they are somehow above 47% of the people in the country,

, , , Surely you know these simple truths, do you not?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
On purpose? Well, OK since you are asking;

I think that no one should be able to decide how a woman should deal with her body...except her and her Dr. Certainly not the government, at any level. Its a fact that these issues the main Achilles heel of the the right, always has been.

Global warming is a hoax, in my opinion. There are so many studies and research on both sides of that issue anyone can find something that supports their position. Motivation for those opinions is another matter altogether.

Whether you like it or not, or believe it even, 47% of the American public DOESN'T pay any federal income taxes, its just a fact. There are a variety of reasons for that as has been discussed here before. Because someone states that fact doesn't make them "above" them.
  • Laz
  • 12-30-2012, 10:59 PM
I think you misunderstood my remark about Dinosaurs on purpose.

1.I do not mean that in physical age, but in their mode of thinking.

2.They think they're better able to decide how a woman should deal with her body.

3.They do not believe in Global Warming.

4.They believe they are somehow above 47% of the people in the country,

, , , Surely you know these simple truths, do you not?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
The democratic mode of thinking is going to collapse under the weight of all the debt. Yes , the republicans share the blame in this.

As far as a woman's body if you are referring to birth control the only difference is on who should be responsible to pay for it. There is no dispute on the decision of using it. If you are referring to abortion there are differences of opinion on that in both parties.

As for global warming I believe that if you compare now to the late 70's and 80's the temperatures have increased. I believe most people accept that. The dispute is the cause of that change and if we can do anything to affect it. I have not seen anything conclusive to indicate that it was caused by man and history shows that the climate has going through cycles many times.

The 47% remark was made by one person in a political campaign and, while many people are concerned that there are to many people relying on handouts from the government, there is no broad based support for that statement.
I think you misunderstood my remark about Dinosaurs on purpose.

1.I do not mean that in physical age, but in their mode of thinking.

2.They think they're better able to decide how a woman should deal with her body.

3.They do not believe in Global Warming.

4.They believe they are somehow above 47% of the people in the country,

, , , Surely you know these simple truths, do you not?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Why do you need a elevator for your cars?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why do you need a elevator for your cars? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Duh. They can't take the stairs.