Fake Reviews/ Provider's + Client's = Slandering On Competition!!!

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Yes, brooke is on it. She seems to take particular joy in busting other providers almost every chance she gets, and it has been her MO for a couple of years. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Can you point me to an instance where Brooke busted, or tried to bust, an honest provider? I can't remember one. We have plenty of evidence that she provides us mutts news we can use, that's indisputable, but we can only guess her motivation. When we guess the motivation of others we run the risk of projecting our own priorities onto them.

My guess is Brooke may be motivated a bit by by maternal instincts towards we who are made vulnerable by testosterone poisoning, maybe a little bit of pride in her professionalism and resentment of those who bring it down (as many of us hardlegs resent shitbird clients who make us all look bad), and maybe she just enjoys the hell out of playing whack-a-scammer. Just my guess, probably no better than the next geezer's guess....unless that guess is she's just out to libel her competition. I know of no evidence to support that guess.

Toward the honest girls who provide good service I've seen nothing from Brooke but goodwill and support.
dearhunter's Avatar
I thinck they should take it to fightclub.........it would be sweeeeeeeet..................C artman and Wendy style.
Htowner's Avatar
I hate it when Brooks see a hot chic and says Wow she is hot , but does she ever offer a three way with her? No.
Yes she does have positives about the girls too. She has saved a lot of $ and aggravation for many.
In reference To: NBA(all these code's/whats this?) "Bchilli"

Real Funny there, The "JoinTheFamily" ad is what I was talking about, and only a [removed reference that is not allowed ]would fall for this, but since you are shallow minded,I hope this helped you figure out that only an idiot would let his stupidity show.."Hint Hint"....Did you get it yet....? Too Soon....Yea Too Soon....[removed same reference]
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-21-2010, 11:38 PM
So are you in Houston, or Dallas? NBA no black Americans
dearhunter's Avatar

NBA = No Blind Africans
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Yes, brooke is on it. She seems to take particular joy in busting other providers almost every chance she gets, and it has been her MO for a couple of years. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Uhhh...I was actually paying Brooke a compliment so your issues with her are just that; yours.

I diggit that she busts the scammers.

Pert-damned-cool if ya' ask me.

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Uhhh...I was actually paying Brooke a compliment so your issues with her are just that; yours.

I diggit that she busts the scammers.

Pert-damned-cool if ya' ask me.

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Brooke always feels complimented when you pay her...

She had me at the 3 holes one low price ... Pert-damned-cool if ya' ask me.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Uhhh...I was actually paying Brooke a compliment so your issues with her are just that; yours.

I diggit that she busts the scammers.

Pert-damned-cool if ya' ask me.

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Oh look, she's a smart-azz too! What's not to like about Brooke?


pyramider's Avatar

NBA = No Blind Africans Originally Posted by dearhunter

Glad you set me straight on NBA. All this time I thought the provider's just did not like pro basketball. I guess they just prefer the college game.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-23-2010, 06:57 AM
Thanks Brooke for taking time to do the right thing I do appreciate you...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thank you Reese.
In reference To: NBA(all these code's/whats this?) "Bchilli"

Real Funny there, The "JoinTheFamily" ad is what I was talking about, and only a [removed reference that is not allowed ]would fall for this, but since you are shallow minded,I hope this helped you figure out that only an idiot would let his stupidity show.."Hint Hint"....Did you get it yet....? Too Soon....Yea Too Soon....[removed same reference] Originally Posted by holi2010
You mean this
I swear some of these pimps are a waste of breath, this guy is a pain, he's constantly texting my phone, I'm not prejudice at all, but I don't prefer black guy's in any manner, find some more crackwhore's for your family edward penishand's! Originally Posted by holi2010
Are you calling yourself a cr.........