Safe Words, Do We Need Them?

oesman's Avatar
I think you need safe words for any play, even if it's relatively mild. I suppose if you've been with your partner for a very long time or if your play is very symbolic or largely vanilla, you wouldn't need it.

I'm with Willen, Red/yellow works fine. No confusion, everyone knows whats up.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I always tell my guys "Ouch is not a safe word" lol

Originally Posted by DallasRain
You don't need a "safe" word if you know what you are doing.
Allowing the sub to control the activities is lame.
What is next? Handing him the whip? Originally Posted by *GoddessDallas*
If you don't believe in safe words you should not be a professional domme
I made the mistake of not having a safe word for a first time session and it didn't go well. Now if I have seen someone before and they really know what they are doing then I don't usually need one.
I believe a safe word is always necessary in Bdsm. The safe word is to help them express themselves sense most of the time that is all they are allowed to say. lol
but if you are seeing a professional Domme you should have already discussed what you want and can handle before the session. Just my .2
In fantasy, i don't like to have one, but using logic a safe word is very important especially when it is my first session with the domme. i have had sessions before without a safe word, however there was a lot of trust involved. Most pro dommes will not dominate you without a safe word, the submissive safety is also important to them, hopefully!
if your for play has a " all female police" raid scenario a safe word is a must , man if the place was really raided can you think of the implications .
In the domme experiences that I have had, they were brought to me. So a safe word was always a priority on my end because I don't have a lot of background. I enjoy being in charge but I would never want to hurt someone beyond their comfort level.