Just fuck me like a whore

Gipper4's Avatar
Damn, GO4it, that's a HOT avatar!!!
Take out the first and last paragraph of the Craigslist ad and it would make a perfect eccie ad for any provider. Lol

Nice one SnL
LMAO!!!! There are NO QUESTIONS to be asked!!! Thanks SNL
bojulay's Avatar
All those women out there like her that just want to hump
me dry, why can't I find one who wants to go shopping
with me, talk about the weather and current events, go
check out art galleries and antique stores, spend the whole
day at the mall.

I guess I'll never find one........ Sigh.

ha ha ha ha
Gnostalgia's Avatar
The only item she didn't publish was how much
she'd pay me for the privaledge!
Actually, she sounded like a real sarcastic, cynical ball buster to me.
Sorry about the two mistakes I made. I am just human sometimes. Originally Posted by uhaveme
Don't worry, we all make mistakes. The grammar police are all over the place. LOL.
That is hilarious. I wonder how many guys responded to that ad and if this lady lived up to what she was offering. LOL!