Obamacare-The Rest of the Story

guest042912's Avatar
Oh, I get it. I'm the idiot and my village needs me back? Wow, you remember how you said you were so much smarter than me and that's all you got, some article from who knows where from a foreign source? Man you really do hate America I'm not even talking about all the illegal immigrants you spend money on, but when you side with a foreign source your practically the enemy!

What did Obama do to you?

So the repubs lost because you were smarter than us?

Toolman, Obama is especially Your President.

I want you to go to sleep tonight and think of his cool black self standing over and whispering in your ear "Toolman, I'm governing all over you."
Toolman's Avatar
Oh, I get it. I'm the idiot Originally Posted by xxr76xx

Wow, you remember how you said you were so much smarter than me Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Right again. But then, it's apparent that 98.7869% of the population is smarter than you, so I'm not saying much by pointing out the obvious.

Man you really do hate America ... when you side with a foreign source your practically the enemy! Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Wow, you really are clueless. Truth is truth, regardless of who observes and reports it. What do you have against foreigners? The last time I checked, (or is that czech'ed), the Czech Republic was a NATO member and ally of the U.S.

I'm not even talking about all the illegal immigrants you spend money on .. Originally Posted by xxr76xx
I find this moronic comment really interesting. When you and I last crossed verbal swords, you concluded that, because I have posted multiple reviews of latina providers, I must be patronizing illegal aliens working here. Curiously, there is nothing in any of my reviews indicating that any of the ladies in question are here illegally, and I know of no facts to suggest that they are. Why would conclude that any of my lovely paramours are illegal? Because they aren't fluent in English? Are you? (You certainly need some help with spelling and grammar.) Are you engaging in racial profiling? It seems there's a bigot in the room ... and it's you.

So the repubs lost because you were smarter than us? Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Wrong again. We ALL lost (whether you have the smarts to recognize it, or not) because the the Kool-Aid drinking lemmings who voted for him are either dumber or more naive than those who did not.

Toolman, Obama is especially Your President Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Wrong yet again, TARP-breath. He may occupy the office, but that's as far as it goes.

I want you to go to sleep tonight and think of his cool black self standing over and whispering in your ear "Toolman, I'm governing all over you." Originally Posted by xxr76xx
I'm not much interested in what you want or don't want. However, when I go to sleep tonight, I'll rest content in the knowledge that there will be a toilet-flushing in November and that your Prince's period of interloping will end with the 2012 election.

I would really enjoy these little battles of wit with you, if I weren't dueling with an unarmed man.
Although I don't agree with President O'Bamas policys or his performance as our president, I have to agree that Mr. Lukbaks avatar, IMO, is tasteless. And tacky. Although you might not like him, he deserves our respect as our president(IMO). If Palin or another conservative was our president, and someone had a picture on the order of that avatar, I'd be up in arms.
Toolman's Avatar
In the military (I'm told) soldiers salute the rank, not the man. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. I've pledged no allegiance to, and have no respect for, the impostor currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Heather, with all due respect for your awesome chest, respect is earned not given. Obama has not earned my or any other American's respect. He has earned only my contempt for his unabashed, unrelenting efforts to undermine and destroy the principles and institutions which have made America great. "Deserves our respect?" I think not.
guest042912's Avatar
Toolman first of all if you call that wit, then we are really fucked as a nation. You sound like a bratty child saying he ain't my president. Stupid really. You sound like those pinko whiny libs who screamed Bush is not my president. Do you really want to be lumped in with those crazies?

I also didn't say all of them were illegal but come on, a couple maybe? And your a conservative?
Toolman's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
Man you really do hate America I'm not even talking about all the illegal immigrants you spend money on, but when you side with a foreign source your practically the enemy! Originally Posted by xxr76xx
You mean like the way Obama sided with Calderon?

I want you to go to sleep tonight and think of his cool black self standing over and whispering in your ear "Toolman, I'm governing all over you." Originally Posted by xxr76xx
That's typical 76, you have hurled insults and resorted to name calling rather than make an intelligent argument. Once you realize that you have no argument you try to pull the plug on the debate by shouting "Racist".
guest042912's Avatar
I didn't call toolman a racist. Have you seen how many Hispanics he's been with? He just wants them out of this country.

Boardman, why am I going to have an intelligent arguement with a guy who puts false information out there and brings an article from an un named source. Why don't you ask him to come up with an intelligent arguement.

You got another person with so much self hate because his country elected a person he didn't like so now he disrespects this great country by saying the man who is in charge is a villian. What does that make us? All of us not just you or me, he represents all of us. So I could give a fuck about discourse with these two numb nuts.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Lukbaks avatar, IMO, is tasteless. And tacky. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Damn right! Ain't he an ugly little bastard!

But I'm bewildered, "Sweet"

Somehow I had gotten the notion you are inordinately fond of grotesque avatars. How did that happen?
Toolman's Avatar
I could give a fuck about discourse with these two numb nuts. Originally Posted by xxr76xx
Then stop discoursing. Reasoned debate is clearly not your forte, and no one here is interested in reading your pea-brained whining caca, anyway. So why don't you save yourself further public embarrassment and just go back to your village? You'll be safely back among others of your kind and the rest of us will be happy you are there. It's a win-win. Think about it (if you can).
LittleSpike's Avatar
Ad hominem attacks serve no useful purpose, other than to promote anger, and keep us fighting among ourselves instead of seeking solutions to our problems (which, by the way, have been created by politicians of BOTH parties). For decades, all of our presidential candidates have been vetted by the CFR, whose agenda does not serve the interests of the American people. We would be better served if we got rid of All the incumbents, and only elected people who pledge to follow the Constitution and Bill of Rights, no matter which party they belong to. I've been both a Democrat and a Republican, and I can tell you that neither party serves us.

datyking's Avatar
DTL and toolman, well written. I enjoyed you comments. Keep it up. Have you ever noticed that Progressives or Socialist consistly resort to name calling and vile language. I have seen this phenomenom for some time now.
boardman's Avatar
I didn't call toolman a racist. Have you seen how many Hispanics he's been with? He just wants them out of this country.

Boardman, why am I going to have an intelligent arguement with a guy who puts false information out there and brings an article from an un named source. Why don't you ask him to come up with an intelligent arguement.

You got another person with so much self hate because his country elected a person he didn't like so now he disrespects this great country by saying the man who is in charge is a villian. What does that make us? All of us not just you or me, he represents all of us. So I could give a fuck about discourse with these two numb nuts. Originally Posted by xxr76xx
You are right, you didn't directly call him a racist but it was a passive-aggressive race baiting tactic non the less and that kind of shit is getting really old.

You should present an intelligent argument in order to inform people of your point of view. Use facts not emotion.

To many of us Obama IS a villain. He is destroying or at least ignoring the principles that this country was built on. He obviously wants to build bigger government and create higher taxes so that he can redistribute the wealth in this country. Remember Joe the Plumber? He told us his plan before he was ever elected. It sounded good in theory to 53% of the voting Americans at the time but then again communism sounds good in theory.

The problem is that some of us will always be willing to work hard and sacrifice to get ahead while others are comfortable living on the government dole and complaining about the rich people having all the money while they wait for their welfare check each month and continue to vote for the people handing out the free cheese.

Yes, I see him as a villain also. Now we have thousands of gallons of oil gushing into the gulf every day. 60+ days later while the oil is still flowing as much as ever we have not concentrated all our resources and those of other countries that have offered to help controll the flow and collect or disperse the oil in order to prevent it from destroying sensitive areas.

This is yet another example of not letting a crisis go to waste. How many years will this spill affect the people who make their living from the gulf? A generation? Long enough to turn a whole class of hard working people into just another subset that will become dependent on the government for subsistence? It seems that at every corner there is another attemp by this President to kill jobs and make more and more people dependent on the government.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Heart-felt but head-vetted helluva good post, Boardman!
guest042912's Avatar
So it's Obamas fault for the oil spill but republicans are apologizing? Can someone tell me why republicans are apologizing? So you don't want intrusion into private business but Obama has to clean up their mess? You conservatives are something else.

Bush sent thousands of Americans to die for a false reason and Obama wants to give everyone healthcare! And Obama is the villian?

Can someone tell me why republicans are aplogizing to BP?