Since when is being politically correct crossing the line, and is it pick and choose?

Geez, really? I thought I made it a point in stating that I'm speaking from my own experiences and from generalizations from what I have read from this board.

Again, I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm strictly trying to shed some light on the OP's questions. I really have no dog in this hunt and I honestly could give a damn what guys like either way. Originally Posted by Joe Smith

I'm sorry if my response to your post may have put you on the defensive. I did mention that did state that some of your comment was an opinion. However, just in my opinion, the closing seemed to contradict what was said in the previous passage (omg... previous passage... I feel like I'm in my classroom).

Anyway, I digress... Again let me apologize. I appreciate you stating your opinion and your effort in assisting with the understanding of how many gentlemen think and view women.
First of all, just because you are not a MOD anymore CPI, does not mean that you can finally show the disrespect you have been longing to. I remember you sitting on my sofa once telling me something so stupid and absurd that your opinion, well, really matters not. So stifle that.

If you took my post seriously, then you need to take a break, sweetheart! Originally Posted by cpi3000
LOL you knew I would, that's why you posted it. I haven't had my caffeine yet.

Npita, I like the way you think. You made a lot of sense and I appreciate your outlook. Very deep. Thank you.

I'm flabbergasted that someone could equate bias towards body weight to racism. Really?

I'm not saying that judgment based on body type is OK, but it is seriously not the same thing at all. Originally Posted by Black Sedan
These are two separate issues, hence the reason they were marked #1 and #2. Did you not get that or are you just looking for something to pick on? Do you not care about bias towards weight because of your personal preferences? Do folks only care, and make issue, over things that affect them and turn a blind eye towards others?

Refuse them citizenship and equal protection? Send them to different schools? Intimidate them from voting? From protesting?

Seriously, give me a fucking break. Originally Posted by Black Sedan
Ok seriously, I remember when women fit into this category. But you surely didn't say "I'm flabbergasted that someone could equate bias towards sex to racism. Really?" Why is that?

Societal's bias lines are very clear when it comes to race, age, sex and weight. Some folks get hired and/or fired because of those very things. The hobby is the same, though more intense. But the hobby is also less PC than real life. I would actually think it would be opposite, given the intimate nature of our hobby.

Just my .02 cents, HH.

I understand your frustration and what you are saying, but being PC is different from the societal norm when you are talking about sex and attraction and you see that on this board.

I don't think it's a stretch to say that most guys do not prefer big women.

In closing, guys will always find thinner women more attractive than bigger women. That's just how it will always be....How many guys here have a "rule of 100" motto? That'll never change. Should it? Probably. Will it? No.

The bottom line is that this is a buyers market and the guys are the buyers. So until that changes, what you find annoying in this market and on this board, you probably always will. I don't mean to sound harsh or rude, I'm just trying to be honest, and I'm just trying to answer your questions the best way I know how to do so. Originally Posted by Joe Smith
Joe, I have no problem with a guy's personal preference. Hell, I have them too. But my question is, why is being PC such a bad thing around here? Why can't folks be nicer towards that or those who are NOT their preference?

Thanks to those who offered some good things. It's much appreciated.

If you took my post seriously, then you need to take a break, sweetheart!
I knew this thread would be entertaining.

Black sedan, I absolutely love your assessment of obese people. Now from your standards and description of your likes I am considered obese.

Let me tell you something, I can outrun some of the lovely spinners, I am productive, and in good health. I can run a mile and not die on the spot. I take very good care of myself, I am proud of my full figured body and so are my clients.

I really do your enjoy assessment, funny MOST of my clients are lean, trim and in shape. Never have they called me unproductive. And they enjoyed my obese body thoroughly.

Does anybody have popcorn, I got the soda. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302

Lisa, come on over baby!

on a sidenote, I'd be interested to know what some of these gentlemen posting look like. How in shape they are, and how attractive they are. Purely out of curiosity of course. They are so quick to criticize a girl's body on here but if any of us were to judge their looks we would be tarred and feathered.

Everyone knows where I stand on this issue, I absolutely do not tolerate prejudice in any way shape or form. I don't have hang ups on race, weight, lifestyle etc. We all like different things, and if this were a perfect world we would all just accept and respect eachother. But because of lack of education on such topics, people will constantly stereotype and discriminate because they don't know any better.

Meg, I applaud your efforts and this post. We need to get a drink sometime
CoHorn's Avatar
Lisa, you exude class.

Sometimes it's not what people say, but how they say it.

Kayla, please remind me not to get the prostate massage next time I see you.
It's been along time since I pulled someone's asshole over their head... I wonder if I still have it. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
America has turned into a nation of victims who love to talk about how offended they are at something someone said.
Love this thread ! This is the part where we all get real. Liberation at its purest form: anonimity.

For the record : Hot Lips ain't fat. She is fine ! Great body and she knows how to use it. She is very opinionated. The times where I disagree with her passion, I call her a bitch. So what ? I call guys a prick if I think the same. So fucking what ? It is a gender correct term to use. I like it. A listener will understand immediately what I intend. But I do respect her, tho I don't agree with everything she says. I do the same with my mom. Read your own agenda in that last statement, but its true. Dont get your genitals in a knot if someone refers to you as such. I don't like the Steelers. I take joy in messing with HL when I tell her how gay the Peelers are ! She retorts with alll due force necessary at my preferences. I love it ! And so it goes. I leave smiling and she does too !

Second: I am racist, obese-adverse, sexist, and I dont give a shit anymore. That doesnt mean when I meet some person who other than what I am comfortable with I draw immediate conclusions. I listen to how they speak, how they handle themselves, and I listen for what comes from their heart. If I hear a con, a meany, a redneck, a bitch, a psycho, a druggie, a thug, I will categorize them into my own definitions. THEY will have to work to change my opinion. I have no problem with that.

I keep my opinions to myself. I keep my biases to myself. I will not go into an all black club. I will not go into an all hispanic club. I won't go into an all gay club, dyke or twink. I won't go into a mosque. I won't go into a scientology ' church '. I will avoid them. Nope. Not for me. Each culture, mine included, have biases and characteristics which when we are in a different situation we don't feel comfy with. No prob. Birds of a feather. And yes, I do have friends of all races and cultures mentioned herein, whom I love. I will always primarily associate with those of my socio-economic background as our mutual life experiences facilitate a relationship. Exceptions are always made when earned.

Yes, I fear others not of my own heritage. I have distinct and reasonable arguements for that. All based on history and experiences. I use derogatory eponyms in my own mind and never to one's face. When I honk at someone I use them. Doesnt matter. It's true. When I see clips on the news I do the same.

And I have family who are hispanic, black, redneck, and gay. No prob. I love them because I know them, they know me. I know their character.

Character is what counts. Nothing more.

Oh: yea, I dont go for obese women. Or guys for that matter. I just don't get the fever from large ladies. But I do like women who are larger. Voluptuos, Rubenesque. Go figure that. Hypocritical ? Ok, no prob. Skinny ones remind ME of boys. Dont want bruises on my hips or PC bone. Big tits, big tummy, big ass = big fun. Womanly. I dont like aprons which must be pulled back to find the treasure. Nope. Lotsa guys do. Not me. Don't get the fever.

I don't get why someone would refer to HL as BBW or any other acronym. She's not, IMHO. She's hot.

I do like nasty. I do like kinky. I do like scary. I do like role play. Lotsa stuff. Prostate manipulation: fuck yes ! Makes me squirt good. I love sluts. I love strippers. Fuck I love women !

But I do have qualifications ! LOL !

Love to all.
LazurusLong's Avatar
You cross the line when you take a very serious issue like a provider getting physically attacked and turn it into a whine fest about her choice of words.

Who gives a flying fuck about how she described her attacker. No one is claiming it wasn't accurate. They seem pissed about how she used a word or two to describe her size. The wife was fat. Plain and simple and the alert OP said she was a big girl.

Who gives a fuck that she said that honestly. The girl was ATTACKED!

What is more important is that she let the board, other providers and hopefully the client, know that his wife was out there looking for his sorry ass and that if he had other escort's data in that phone they might be at risk also and so if they saw some "big girl" drive up in a similar vehicle and get out headed towards them they need to be prepared to be attacked and get out of there quickly.

SOME political correctness is where some people take offense at much ado about nothing in way too many cases.
Boltfan's Avatar
I like fat chicks, not because I am fat (which I am) but because I like fat chicks. I have had my share of skinny ones. Very few, if any, did anything for me.

As far as the rest of this, I am just going to sit back and watch. I am of the opinion that if something needs to be said, just say it. If someone gets offended then too bad.
LMAO crashkopf. You are a hot mess.

You cross the line when you take a very serious issue like a provider getting physically attacked and turn it into a whine fest about her choice of words.

Who gives a flying fuck about how she described her attacker. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
See, there you go. Just like everybody else, you are missing the point. It's NOT that she described his wife as a big girl. It was her making the statement of that is why he hobbies that is the central issue. It was her correlation to women of size and the hobby. But I'm not going to defend myself yet again, especially to you.

Does anybody else notice that between sex, race and weight, the one most talked about here and most places, is weight? Why is that?

Maybe her husband hobbies because she blew up to 350+. Maybe she was skinny when her husband married her, then she blew up, so he decided to go outside his marriage to bang skinny chicks.

Maybe she doesn't get offended when people call her "fat." Maybe she knows she is fat. Maybe she doesn't want, or need anyone to come to her rescue because someone called her "big."

She attacked Sabrina Nicole, which is the the topic of this alert. The thread was not intended to be a PC crusade to stop "looksism."
You cross the line when you take a very serious issue like a provider getting physically attacked and turn it into a whine fest about her choice of words.

Who gives a flying fuck about how she described her attacker. No one is claiming it wasn't accurate. They seem pissed about how she used a word or two to describe her size. The wife was fat. Plain and simple and the alert OP said she was a big girl.

Who gives a fuck that she said that honestly. The girl was ATTACKED!

What is more important is that she let the board, other providers and hopefully the client, know that his wife was out there looking for his sorry ass and that if he had other escort's data in that phone they might be at risk also and so if they saw some "big girl" drive up in a similar vehicle and get out headed towards them they need to be prepared to be attacked and get out of there quickly.

SOME political correctness is where some people take offense at much ado about nothing in way too many cases. Originally Posted by LazurusLong


We are not whining. We are standing up for what we believe in. Furthermore, we acknowledged the attack, it was horrible. I've been assaulted, I've been there. I understand exactly how she feels. However, she didn't give us sufficient information to protect ourselves from "Mike" or his "big girlfriend." I appreciate the alert and I do not discourage Sabrina from posting on the boards, especially alerts; even if they don't have enough helpful information to protect us from the attacker. It was a reminder to all of us to be more discreet and careful. We gave her sympathy and then brought to her attention how IGNORANT and disrespectful it was to say that her client was cheating on his wife BECAUSE she was fat. That's like saying, "No wonder he cheated on her, she was so skinny, or she was so black, or she was so latina, or she was so tall or she was so short."

HER BEING FAT AND 350LBS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHY HE CHEATED ON HER. She may be a total bitch to him. She may be crazy. She may smell bad. She may not give him a blow job ever. There are ENDLESS reasons why people have affairs.

Just like another post in the alerts where someone stated that they were shorted by an AA man and now she knows why other girls don't see AA men.
That post made me want to throw up. His race had nothing to do with the shorting. Any man of any race, shape, size or species can short someone. The color of skin had NOTHING to do with that and it's insane that someone could correlate the two.

Have a wonderful day.
stevesanderson's Avatar
I would really like an answer, as well as opinions. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
This is the internet. People will fuck with you because they can.

You think people fuck with you because you're big? It's just as easy to invent a flaw with a physically perfect girl and make her feel self-conscious. I've done it.

This is no place to be insecure or lack confidence nor take every asshole's comment to heart. And it's no place to call every asshole an asshole.

Let me teach you one word that will help you immensely: "whatever".

"hey stevesanderson, you're an asshole." (search on my handle)
You think people fuck with you because you're big? It's just as easy to invent a flaw with a physically perfect girl and make her feel self-conscious. I've done it.

This is no place to be insecure or lack confidence nor take every asshole's comment to heart. And it's no place to call every asshole an asshole. Originally Posted by stevesanderson
WTH are you talking about? We obviously are not on the same page.


You know what, LovingKayla said it best in that particular thread. She said "Do you see how something terrible that happened to you was completely covered by your blatant insult of an entire group of women?" That was my whole point in that thread.

Enough said.

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I think most providers and hobbyists think things said, assertions made and "truths" told on this board or any other, carry a lot more weight than they do. E.g., the weight card: I, for one, and I suspect there are many others, like them in all sizes. I've had appointments with TOAS providers that were perfunctory, to say the least, and some that were really enjoyable. Same for bigger girls. Elisabeth is a fine-ass woman to be with; just ask those who have seen her. And I'm looking pretty seriously at the Black Spanish Teacher--learning new languages, of course. Plus, so much in this thread really comes down to the writer's opinion and particular view of the world, nothing more. So lighten up. Having said that, I fervently hope for all WKs to die sometime today by immolation.
But that's just my dos pesos for today.