Okay, I'm taking bets on if OSD can keep this to just meeting for a cup of coffee. LOL
Originally Posted by cny6969
just a drink or coffee, easy.
been sick the last few days, seeing doc soon. I should be ok by then.
anyways, When I started on ASPD and met a few, the part I hated the most was the BCD on first time just seeing them. I almost never rush in. The few times I have it was a mistake errr most of the time. With the 3 I do see a lot errr maybe 2 now, not sure yet. I do not have sex with every time with.
I'm really not a Hobbyist. I never felt a need to see BCD's more than a few. But I do like just meeting many. Guy got to keep his options open.
I may be a postwhore on the board. But I hate meeting over the board. The way I like to meet or repeat with is really is dead. But I'm still stuck in it.