Lance Armstrong: Let the healing begin...

Squarenot's Avatar
The legal pundits that I've seen on TV and I am sure that Armstrong's lawyers too, have no question advised him that he has no, or at least minimal, criminal exposure. Largely because of statute of limitations. I can't help but believe that there is a prosecutor or three some where who believes otherwise. His exposure to civil liability has most likely been carefully calculated by his advisors and considered with his earning potential, ie book deals, competitive events, etc. He has been boxed-in and really has no choice but to confess, imho.

I live in Austin, TX, but have never met the man. I do know people who have dealt with him on a fairly consistent basis for several years. They all comment about what a jerk he is. Quite a legacy.
WhoAreWe's Avatar
I'd give my left ball to win the Tour de France 7 times. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Sweet N Little's Avatar
A little leak,2420313.story

This ought to be pretty interesting.
It will be interesting who falls with him Like Nike the postal team head of the cycling agency and a few others.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As a fairly rabid cyclist, last night I took off my yellow rubber LiveStrong bracelet. Lance was to cyclists what Frank Shorter was to distance runners. Not any more.
JCM800's Avatar
Least important athlete...... Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, or Joey Chestnut?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Least important athlete...... Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, or Joey Chestnut? Originally Posted by JCM800
Who's Joey Chestnut?

Net Worth: $700 Thousand

As of July 2012
Source of Wealth: Eating Competition, Engineering

It is bad enough that Armstrong cheated.

But what makes it worse is the scorched-earth policy he took towards anyone that accused him of using steroids.

He slandered and threatened everyone that told the truth about him.

That part is even worse than the original cheating.

And it isn't like he slipped and cheated once or twice. He did is constantly for more than seven years and took great pains to cover it up and ruin anyone that tried to expose him.

There is no redemption for him. He is a narcissist and a control freak. You can't fix that with confessions on Oprah. That is an unchangeable personality trait.

He isn't sorry he did it. He is sorry he got caught.
JCM800's Avatar
They're all sorry after their caught.

1. Accusation
2. Denial
3. Proof of Evidence
4. Oprah tour (boo hoo.. I'm so sorry)
And the American public will buy into his contrition........Oprah is the 1st step in the rehabilitation of Armstrong's brand !
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And the American public will buy into his contrition........Oprah is the 1st step in the rehabilitation of Armstrong's brand ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I sincerely doubt it. Living in Austin, Lance's home town, very few people are coming out in support of him. Editorials in the paper have been tearing him apart. Too many negatives have come out on him and his conduct so that it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to turn the tide.
Caught the interview; I give Oprah a B-...............Lance gets a D, he failed to convince me, I didn't see any contrition. He was dodgy and didn't come clean.

Questions I would have liked to ask:

- Did Oprah pay Armstrong or make some quid pro quo deal for the interview ?
- Did any of your lawyers know you were doping and lying about doping ?
- What did Thomas Weisel know about your doping?
- Will you volunteer to testify under oath before any hearings regarding your doping ?
- If subpoenaed will you testify, take the 5th, or ask for immunity ?
- Has Armstrong tried to buy off anyone's silence now that he has admitted his doping (Andreu's, or others)?

A big question that Armstrong didn't/couldn't answer:

Why did the feds drop their 2-year investigation ?
I am thinking it has to do with the political juice that Democrat Thomas Weisel has....
Is anybody surprised with the amount of money at stake in the sports world that this type of advantage is sought after? It's the same everywhere when you hit the wall of human potential and that much cash is involved.
I heard this on sports radio this evening. Very telling...

None of the 7 Tour de France victories Armstrong forfeited have been awarded to the second place finishers.

They've all been disqualified for cheating too.

If true, the Tour and various enforcement bodies should just fold up and go away for 5 years.
Squarenot's Avatar
I give Oprah a C+/B- and Lance an F.

He lied again. Specifically, on his "cleanliness" in his two come-back years (probably for statute of limitations reasons); his assertion that the ICU donation was not a quid pro quo (probably because he does not to open that can of worms); and that he did not intimidate or require his teammates to dope.
Because the Feds dropped their investigation, it allowed USADA to go forward and conduct an independent investigation w/0 benefit of information contained in the Federal investigation, as most of that information was Grand Jury material.

It appears to me that the ball is now in the Feds court and the public/world will be watching. There does seem to be new information, ie the USADA findings, that reach the threshold necessary for the Feds to re-open their investigation and/or initiate another investigation, perhaps based on a continuing conspiracy.

IMO, the Feds are the only entity that has the requisite resources to be effective with Mr. Armstrong. And, I think he knows it. I believe that the DOJ must act. The world is watching.