real world expectations

Strangely enough --- I trust the women I interact with in the "non-real" world a lot more than I do in the real world. People in the real world hide behind masks and often are afraid to show their true selves / nature. I don't mind paying as it affords me the opportunity to interact with some of the wittiest, luscious and gorgeous women in SA. The only expectation being that we treat each other with respect and we have a good time.
OK, I will throw my 2 cents worth in on this topic.REAL WORLD - When I drop $150 on a dinner date at say The Wild Fish Grill or Kirby's - I don't know what to expect anymore. Sometimes, I get a kiss on the cheek and sometimes I get a quick peck on the lips. HOBBY WORLD - When I meet a Provider and drop $200, I know what I am going to get. Usually, FUCKED including lots of other good stuff! With no strings attached. Now I have taken a few Providers to either lunch or dinner before a session. I consider the lunch or dinner as part of the tip. Originally Posted by Doc_rob
You sound like a sweetie!
I think a lot use this hobby to meet great people, have plenty of great sex and hide scars that still need healing since there are no strings attached. not judging anyone ,I'm guilty of it myself. I've met some great people in this hobby that if I had met in the real world, they would break my heart lol. For me, this hobby gives me a relief from real world relationship issues (thank you ladies). My two cents anyway
I I've met some great people in this hobby that if I had met in the real world, they would break my heart lol. Originally Posted by hornbill
Damn right
Damn right Originally Posted by Ginger Lovelace
You crack me up lol
joesnapshot's Avatar
I find the women here to be more real than the ones in the "real world". I'm always honest about my situation and expectations and women here are cool with that; out there it seems the women want to play head games and freak out at honesty. IMHO
colt's Avatar
  • colt
  • 01-15-2013, 04:52 AM
Is there some reason for a man and a woman to be together other than sex? Well maybe dancing but that normally is just fore play.

So if she can bait her own hook, gut her own deer, change her own oil, flat tire, clean a stopped up drain, replace the belt on the dryer, and carry a good converstation, has a job, makes good money, send pictures of Truck.

It actually may be simplier than that, friends enjoy doing things together, this is where it gets screwed up, ladies don't have many things they like to do in common with men, but sex is one of them. We all got to eat so that is two.

Yes you can tell my relationship foo is all fu, so I fit right in with this crowd. As a wise old man once told me you can learn everthing you need to know about relationships from your dog. I guess I need to get a dog.

Now you see, that is exactly my point. I'm already paying for dinner, why should I give her dessert? Just my conversation is not good enough? Originally Posted by Salsa man

Salsa man . .

My point exactly. I enjoy having a detailed and lengthy conversation with a combination of serious, as well as humorous topics.

I seriously believe that many individuals do not have the ability to carry an intellegent and interesting conversation. And, for this reason the "universal language of love" is introduced from very early on. In my personal life, I am a reserved and conservative lady, who highly admires a man who respects me and understands me well enough to know that a meal doesn't earn him access to my passion fruit. Oh! And btw, I dont have sex on the first date, or the second. In fact, depending on how easily the chemistry builds up between us, will determine how soon we indulge in a passionate En Devour.

And let me clear up another point . . When I stated that I feel disgusted by a man who thinks he can treat me to a $50 dollar dinner and therefore he's earned his way to my tunnel of passion . . That doesn't mean that I feel forced to give in to his wishes or desires. And because it is my business, I simply dont go out with him a second time.

My defense radar has nothing to do with a guy finding out what it is I do for a living. Heck, if I knew for sure that he could handle the truth, I would tell him even before the first date. My defense radar is more applied toward the ability to stay focused, observant and skillful in profiling. I apologize if my prior explanation was more rushed and less informative. I am 42 years old and I am educated, articulate, confident, and very well rounded. Oh, and let me not forget experienced. Im not afraid to get hurt, after alI, I'm a big girl and can handle disappointment. I just prefer to not waste my time with individuals that like to play games and who are no where near my level of experience . . And by this I mean "in life".

I hope that this time my explanation was by far better understood.

Have yourselves a great day.
AngeLisa's Avatar
Great Question, Im Going To Be brief. I cannot tell you how many times I've met a guy and I get into my hobby questions. "So...what's your name?whats your job? What kinda car?, OOOOH I will get back to you as soon as I free,ok?
It's ridiculous I cannot function in the real world anymore. I think all guys are johns. I want every guy to know I'm not a cheap date, and if he can't pass Screening then tough cookie.
Soooo I'm single. Lol
I met my SO ( or the closest thing I have to one) on Bp.hahaha ( and they say is only weirdo on there) He's okay with What I do For hobby. He isn't the kind of guy I could be with like really because he met me on BP!!!! For all I know he still trolling.
Which brings me to the expectations. The only thing I expect from the real world guys is HONESTY!! Hobby guys tell me everything. About there job, money, spouse, childhood,ATF worst ....everything.In the real world men lie. LIE.LIE.LIE for no reason. They will cheat and scam on you because your generous, it's just awful.
Therefore, I'm staying in the hobby as long as I look good! I'm not able to look in the eyes of a Real World men and trust what they say is true.

Did that make sense.
Alexxxia & Ginger, I feel the same way ya'll do. I can't see myself engaging in a real committed relationship as long as I'm hobbying, it would lead to lies and the ultimate demise of the relationship, and I'm smart enough to know that from the get go.
Interesting reading thus far. Im feeling like the odd man out as I don't have any problems with life outside of this board. I'm having a difficult time with the term " real world" vs what other world. I don't play much as a personal preference and maybe that why I have no issues with meeting people with no overt expectations outside of here. Honestly I stay pretty busy with my job and have a pretty vast social cast. I dabble with a select few women from time to time for variety and obvious enjoyment, nothing more. I don't expect anything more than that as evidenced by the preceding posts. I have enjoyed the lovely women that I've met here and understand this lifestyle is without commitment or expectations other than the time spend during our " session". That is the truth of the matter.. Just my thoughts..

Jten13's Avatar
Ur kinda right jucci good seeing u! Sorry about relationships problem. I've been single 8 years but I would consider myself a catch(at least I have a job) but just waiting for the right girl I love hobby Bc it's easier to approach. I used to gout but now that I don't drink pulling tail in the real world is harder.
wheels69's Avatar
Real world - its as though you are on a test run with that person, you never know what to expect

Hobby world - at least you know what you are getting
AngeLisa's Avatar
8yrs Jten ill be there soon, I'm not quitting the hobby no time soon!
This thing that we do is tricky. Sometimes feelings spark and its time to take a break.