"If I had it my way there wouldn't be any guns "

Piers Morgan.

You fucking english retard.

Fuck you, the fucktube doesn;t even work, he never said that, pants on fire. Originally Posted by essence
"If I had it my way there wouldn't be any guns "

Piers Morgan.

You fucking english retard. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Piers is a prick, but show me the quote, fucktard.
Its on the video you pea head. Now retract your earliers posts.
Its on the video you pea head. Now retract your earliers posts. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Problems with your reading skills? The video doesn;t work (at least for me).

Given that the dickhead has stated he agrees with the 2nd amendment, I find it inconceivable that he would say what you suggest. Shum mishtake shurely?
The link works on my Pc....
The link works on my Pc.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Your PC has been repervished.
novacain's Avatar
"If I had it my way there wouldn't be any guns "

Piers Morgan.

You fucking english retard. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nice of you to totally misquote him in your quest to be right................. the youtube link is shitty, someone videoing TV with their damn smart phone so the audio is somewhat muted........... Piers Morgan to Tony Robbins:
"In an ideal world I'd have all guns gone, as we have in Britain but this is not my country and I respect the fact that most Americans wouldn't wear that kind of argument"

This quote is made at the .44 second mark of the video

The key point being in an ideal world........... problem with that is every ones idea of an ideal world is different but in his there would be no guns.

Also earlier in this link Piers makes another quote:
"I totally respect and admire the Constitution and the 2nd amendment and an Americans right to defend themselves at home"

None of this changes the fact that Piers is an idiot fucktard that only maintains any ratings by controversy.
Fuck you, the fucktube doesn;t even work, he never said that, pants on fire. Originally Posted by essence
Thank you for telling us all that you're either too stupid or too lazy or both to look at the top of the page and notice the Desktop link.

And, since you're probably too stupid to figure THAT one out:
"If I had it my way there wouldn't be any guns "

Piers Morgan.

You fucking english retard. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can't help but think he's right. I get that what he's saying is beyond your limited intellectual capabilities Whirlyboy but isn't he correct? No guns and all those six year olds at Sandy Hook would be alive.

Their moms and dads would get to enjoy raising their children. Not that such a thing would mean shit to you.

Of course, you wouldn't get to have your Moro fantasy. And you couldn't entertain your fantasies of repelling that tyrannical government you're so afraid the way, I'm just wondering. Have you ever picked up an AR-15? Could you hit the broad side of a barn with one? I bet not. If push came to shove, just to indulge your militia fantasies, do you think you could hump a ruck and stand a post with a rifle in the event that such things became necessary?

I bet you're a fat white boy who has never even fired a rifle in contemplation of having to do so to defend yourself or loved ones. Tell me I'm wrong you fucking bigmouthed shitbag.
Ok I mis quoted moths. But his actual quote confirmed that if morgan was on control he would ban/confiscate all guns....including hunting! So in that sense he is more anti gun than originally indicated.

Timmyboy, you left loons so easily fall to the personal attack mode when you arr losing the arguement...
Thank you for telling us all that you're either too stupid or too lazy or both to look at the top of the page and notice the Desktop link.
Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Thank you for pointing that out. I have also found out how to turn on my PC at the mains plug, I didn't know why my screen always seemed blank.
Ok I mis quoted moths. But his actual quote confirmed that if morgan was on control he would ban/confiscate all guns....including hunting! So in that sense he is more anti gun than originally indicated.

Timmyboy, you left loons so easily fall to the personal attack mode when you arr losing the arguement... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

OK, apology accepted. But, again, he has never said he would ban/confiscate all guns in the US.

I think what he was saying was that if you were in a society which did not already have extensive gun ownership, would you still, knowing what we now know, want to arm all sane adults?

A good question. I think the 2nd amendment would say yes, and I can see reasons why (prevention of tyranny) but there is a valid argument against.

But it it a question of little relevance given the current situation of extensive gun ownership.
What we know is that Piers Morgan has told us multiple things, all of which are contradictory.

1... He supports the 2nd Amendment.
2....He supports gun ownership.
3....No one needs to own semi-automatic weapons.
4....He would ban all guns - if he was emperor
5....He supports Britain's ban on guns

Many other statements......I think Morgan showed his anti gun stripes when he said :

"...I'd have all guns gone, as we have in Britain...."
And Obama has opposed a homeowner's right to defend himself .............

Chances are if Obama doesn't believe in a homeowner's right to defend himself; then he also would approve to ban all handgun ownership, if he was emperor.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Many are against handgun ownership, including Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Total BS. Where do you come up with these ridiculous statements? Please cite anything that Obama has said while POTUS that would lead anyone to believe that.