My avatar reveals all but as someone earlier said, anything over a C cup usually looks better enhanced in my eyes. Big and perky- a rare combo but sooooo nice.
I like the size of the breast differently for each woman. Each woman is unique and special! Whatever they have is perfect for them and I appreciate what they have. A woman's sexy body is a turn on and I like them all.
Quotable quote: Seen one breast, ya wanna see 'em ALL!
Puffies are good, but then so are those with some weight and pendulosity. But so are those with perky up-pointee nips. And small A-cips with responsive eraser nipples.
bobby, you have the best and safest answer..hahah..i hate my boobs...i want them to be bigger now, good thing many of you like long legs..tehehehe.
Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
I think I'll need to check yours out to see for myself....