You are assuming ObamaCare is the answer and states have 3 years to get it right.
Originally Posted by Luvyduvy
Obama care properly known as ACA is AN answer and probably better than doing nothing and letting healthcare costs, which are already 17% of GDP, destroy our economic future. Most other advanced countries spend 8% to 10% and cover all their citizens.
I subscribe to several business RSS feeds - right after the election - and to this day, dozens of companies post daily of layoffs - at first, due to increased health care costs because of OC. Then a couple of those larger companies met with some oddly timed regulatory investigation - and since no company SAYS due to health care costs increasing, but they keep posting job closings.
Originally Posted by Luvyduvy
All corporate propaganda. Productivity is continuing to increase and big corporations are more profitable than they have been in years, but are stashing most of their money overseas. There is something like $2 to $3 Trillion of corporate profits sitting offshore just waiting to be invested and profits have been way up the last two years. Salaries... now that is another story.
OC is a 2700 page document that NOBODY who voted on it, read it... leaving the understanding of it to their staff. What a joke... do you know, your health care provider will have access to ALL of your financial records and accounts and can TAKE money from you at their discretion.
Originally Posted by Luvyduvy
First off, have you ever actually read a law? It has about as many words on a page (every line more than double spaced with tons of white space top, bottom and sides) as a picture book for first graders so the 2700 pages is very misleading. Your health care "provider" (meaning your doctor or your hospital) already has access to your records. How do you think they provide you healthcare? Do they do it like pin the tail on the donkey... with a blindfold on? Geesh, please get it together and type what you mean rather than senseless blather. NO, they can't just "TAKE money from you at their discretion." Where did you get that senseless bit of nonsense?
Here, try that commie rag Forbes for ACA info -
Here's one for those of you who don't read -