On To The Next One!!!

Wow Rich! I can see how that would be disappointing! My sister is a civvie gal though.

Yes, I think bringing an ATF would be great for the party. The lady may really enjoy picking out a toy or lingerie with you while enjoying the party!

Since we will not be charging for entry can we all agee to bring a little something? Snack, beverage, party favors....

I think the 6th will be great but I'm waiting to finalize that with Atxbrad. Once I do I will confirm.
Is this event confirmed ?
I haven't been able to get in touch with Brad since his vacation. I will need to wait until I can talk to him. I was hoping for tomorrow but sadly that will not give us enough time. So I have a call into him and when I hear back I will let yall know.

Sorry for the delay but I will fill everyone in as soon as I know something. Kisses!
Thanks for the efforts you are putting in to this. I know it is going to be a fun time!!
NipLover's Avatar
Yes, thanks for the effort. Please let us know.
  • Haley
  • 07-05-2010, 09:42 PM
Haley and Maddie want to go.

Let us know
Speaking of parties or events what ever happened to this one?
sixxbach's Avatar
By the looks of the dates, I guess it already happened?
Didn't see any threads talking about it so I was curious if it ever happened
It had not happened yet but it's funny you mention it because my sister is going to have one on the 22nd or 23rd this month....

Once I receive the info from her I will post it.
Excellent! Looking forward to hearing about that
RoundRockSecret's Avatar
<<-- Me too!
knotty man's Avatar
this is how you re build a hurt community. cant wait to hear more about it maxeen. ( and thank you, your as gracious as you are beautiful)