Do not get me started with Bush. He did more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever did.Osama bin Laden was able to "sell" his plan because the Quran says it's a good thing for Muslims to kill non-Muslims. Muslims have been doing evil since 610 AD. They've become even more of a problem in the last few decades because they got rich off of oil money.
But to return to the topic, the fact is that terrorist organizations work in secret in the dead of night.
They do not give warnings before they attack.
No one knew that there were people so insane that they would hijack airliners and intentionally fly them into the twin towers.
. . . Even to this day, it amazes me that there are sick minds out there running around loose in this world that are so corrupt and so evil to even hatch such diabolical plans. And then even if you did come up with such a deranged plan how in the hell do you sell it like OBL did?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
The so called war on terror is never going to end. As long as there are Muslims, there will be terrorism. Islam is evil.