Inside the Ring: New al Qaeda threat

joe bloe's Avatar
Do not get me started with Bush. He did more damage to this country than Al Qaeda ever did.

But to return to the topic, the fact is that terrorist organizations work in secret in the dead of night.

They do not give warnings before they attack.

No one knew that there were people so insane that they would hijack airliners and intentionally fly them into the twin towers.

. . . Even to this day, it amazes me that there are sick minds out there running around loose in this world that are so corrupt and so evil to even hatch such diabolical plans. And then even if you did come up with such a deranged plan how in the hell do you sell it like OBL did?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Osama bin Laden was able to "sell" his plan because the Quran says it's a good thing for Muslims to kill non-Muslims. Muslims have been doing evil since 610 AD. They've become even more of a problem in the last few decades because they got rich off of oil money.

The so called war on terror is never going to end. As long as there are Muslims, there will be terrorism. Islam is evil.
Yeah, there is Terrorists groups all over the world and they are all members of Al-queda. Nothing but a crock of shit. Although terrorism does exist, there is no vast organized group called Al-Queda.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yeah, there is Terrorists groups all over the world and they are all members of Al-queda. Nothing but a crock of shit. Although terrorism does exist, there is no vast organized group called Al-Queda. Originally Posted by acp5762
No one is saying that all terror groups are part of al-Qaeda. The obvious fact is, the vast majority of terrorism is Islamist. Hamas and Hezbollah may not technically be part of al-Qaeda, but they are Muslims and they are terrorists.
No one is saying that all terror groups are part of al-Qaeda. The obvious fact is, the vast majority of terrorism is Islamist. Hamas and Hezbollah may not technically be part of al-Qaeda, but they are Muslims and they are terrorists. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I am not saying that muslims aren't responsible for terrorists acts. What Iam saying is the term Al-queda in refference to organized terrorists groups is now regarded as fallacy.
joe bloe's Avatar
I am not saying that muslims aren't responsible for terrorists acts. What Iam saying is the term Al-queda in refference to organized terrorists groups is now regarded as fallacy. Originally Posted by acp5762
I guess that depends on what your news source is.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, I hate to disagree with you, joe, but then I must when you're dead wrong which is most of the time.

The real problem is not Islam or Hinduism or this religion or that one. It's ignorance running rampant through the streets of this country and in fact, most of the world.

. . . No religion has a market on the truth, but the problem is that they ALL think they do!

Osama bin Laden was able to "sell" his plan because the Quran says it's a good thing for Muslims to kill non-Muslims. Muslims have been doing evil since 610 AD. They've become even more of a problem in the last few decades because they got rich off of oil money.

The so called war on terror is never going to end. As long as there are Muslims, there will be terrorism. Islam is evil. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Well, I hate to disagree with you, joe, but then I must when you're dead wrong which is most of the time.

The real problem is not Islam or Hinduism or this religion or that one. It's ignorance running rampant through the streets of this country and in fact, most of the world.

. . . No religion has a market on the truth, but the problem is that they ALL think they do!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fapp Cum knows the truth...fuckers
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's ignorance running rampant through the streets of this country and in fact, most of the world.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Then it would help if you would walk more, and run less, FastGoon!

joe bloe's Avatar
Well, I hate to disagree with you, joe, but then I must when you're dead wrong which is most of the time.

The real problem is not Islam or Hinduism or this religion or that one. It's ignorance running rampant through the streets of this country and in fact, most of the world.

. . . No religion has a market on the truth, but the problem is that they ALL think they do!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Typical moronic liberal multi-cultural mindset. The knee jerk response of liberals is always to say that all cultures and all religions are equal, that way they get to be non-judgemental. Not judging is the highest liberal value. It isn't wise or virtuous to not make judgements; it's simply cowardice.

Liberals pretend that Islam is no different than any other religion, even though it's overwhelmingly obvious that Islam is the only religion on Earth that constantly commits acts of terrorism. Islam has been a violent religion for fourteen hundred years. Islam has never undergone a reformation. Islamists want to freeze their culture and lifestyle to a seventh century value system that includes, the death penalty for adultery and homosexulity and legalized pedophilia.

Islam is evil.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fast Gun you need to clarify a couple of things; you say Bush did more damage than terrorism. Can you back that up with something other than repeating a democratic talking point? Also ignorance is the cause of terrorism...there are a lot of ignorant people in the world including in this country but I don't see the vast majority of them killing people or blowing themselves up in the name of Allah. I do see a lot of fanatics that really do believe that they are doing God's (Allah's) work. Either Al Quaida or Fred Phelps, at least the Phelps family doesn't blow themselves up. (too bad)

By the way ACP, I only read that you said that ALL terrorism is Muslim or you it wasn't but no one said it was.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Some things are immediately obvious to me, as was the invasion of Iraq. I opposed it from the start as did then Senator Obama who faced heavy reproach from Washington for his opposition.

The war was dead wrong, but many otherwise intelligent people, including friends and coworkers supported the idiotic war and seemed adamant about it.

That was an unfunded and unnecessary war that Bush pushed this country into did untold damage to our economy and morale. It drained our blood and our treasure.

Many people in the intelligence community tried to dissuade Bush from entering into this war, but it was like he was being manipulated by OBL to go ahead. That move played right into Al Qaeda's hands and they used it as a recruitment tool to bring in more terrorists to join their cause.

The other major fuck-up was the tax cuts for the rich that Bush pushed through.

The buffoon was so intent on looking to the business of foreign countries and the rich that he neglected this country and the economy went to hell in hand basket.

. . . We have been digging our way out of this morass since President Obama took the helm, but the damage left behind by Bush was too deep and profound to clean up quickly. It will probably take another 7 years to clean up this mess, but only if we continue on that path.

Fast Gun you need to clarify a couple of things; you say Bush did more damage than terrorism. Can you back that up with something other than repeating a democratic talking point? Also ignorance is the cause of terrorism...there are a lot of ignorant people in the world including in this country but I don't see the vast majority of them killing people or blowing themselves up in the name of Allah. I do see a lot of fanatics that really do believe that they are doing God's (Allah's) work. Either Al Quaida or Fred Phelps, at least the Phelps family doesn't blow themselves up. (too bad)

By the way ACP, I only read that you said that ALL terrorism is Muslim or you it wasn't but no one said it was. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn