Of course I oppose the killing of Americans, by anyone. What a stupid comment, WE. But how does it help our cause to indiscriminately kill innocents and civilians, especially ones that are supporting us? Do you think the cleric's family is now more or less inclined to oppose al Qaeda?
And for the last time (I hope) President Bush is as guilty as Obama in this department. They should both be tried for war crimes. I'm not going to excuse what Obama does just because Bush did it.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You just answered your question dumb ass- when members of the Afghan army who we have trained, financed, and gave up American lives started randomly killing U.S and Nato soldiers- how does it feel to have innocent Americans killed by soldiers we are training??? Did you post a thread asking why we are allowing Afghan soldiers to kill our troops?
Have you ever heard of collateral damage or mistaken identity or just a plain fuck up- name a war that has never had a friendly fire incident- shit like this happens all the time- if it hurts you I suggest you grow a larger nut sack- you really sound like a fucking idiot making a post about this nonsense. Do you think the U.S military- said yeah here's a guy who is denouncing Al-Queada let's go ahead and kill him Or do you think a logistical mistake was made? You are really a dumb ass!!!