Chica Chaser's Avatar

Rand Paul is bizarre. Rubio gave a much better presentation/rebuttal. That guy is going to be a player in 2016. Originally Posted by timpage
Not if he doesn't give up on the abortion issue. If he can get away from that, the left should probably start getting worried.
After 8 years of left wing Obama rule; and a lost decade (no growth economy).....Americans might go for a Rand Paul or other libertarian type candidate.....Rubio is the same cereal in a different box. Especially if he goes soft on amnesty, gun control, and other issues.
Americans might go for a Rand Paul or other libertarian type candidate. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hey Trendy, America is Trending Hillary!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Hey Trendy, America is Trending Hillary! Originally Posted by bigtex
Originally Posted by WTF

This is who Obama was preaching to
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2013, 07:26 PM
After 8 years of left wing Obama rule; and a lost decade (no growth economy).....Americans might go for a Rand Paul or other libertarian type candidate.....Rubio is the same cereal in a different box. Especially if he goes soft on amnesty, gun control, and other issues. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Rand Paul will not get the GOP nomination. If he goes indy , he will elect Hilliary just like Perot elected Bill.
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  • Seedy
  • 02-13-2013, 07:30 PM
Hey Trendy, America is Trending Hillary! Originally Posted by bigtex
Sorry bt, but these 5 words will get hung around her neck, she has no chance.

What difference does it make.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Does anyone have any substantive comments about Senator Paul's speech? It was the best speech I've heard in years. It was Reaganesque, with the added bonus of being sincere.

If the Tea Party and the Republicans want to become viable again, they need to listen to this guy. And if he stays like this, (and there are no guarantees) and gets the Republican nomination in 2016, I may cast my first vote for a major party candidate since McGovern.

Absolutely brilliant speech, Senator Paul!
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2013, 11:01 PM
Rand Paul will not get the GOP nomination. That is a fact. Rubio will throw the Mexicians under the bus to get the GOP nomination and then promptly lose to Hilliary.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Rand Paul will not get the GOP nomination. That is a fact. Rubio will throw the Mexicians under the bus to get the GOP nomination and then promptly lose to Hilliary. Originally Posted by WTF
Rubio never get the Hispanic vote anyway........ unless he goes the Reagan amnesty route, then its a BIG maybe. He's likely to get the Repub nomination but as long as he sticks with the party line on abortion, he's toast in an election.

I also think Hillary is done, she won't run again for the top spot. There is very likely more to the whole "clot" thing than has been or will ever be reported. She'll be raking in the big cash on the speaking circuit soon.

Rand Paul won't get the nod either, too much crazy baggage from daddy that he will always tote around.
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2013, 11:36 PM
You are probably right on Hilliary but Bill might dress up and act like her to be President again!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like I said. It was typiical Tea Party manifesto. His droning tone of voice and inability to blink put me to sleep. Only 15 minutes long; shitty chromakey. Looks like it was an OBL video.

He's a rube and represents the very stupidest among us... I think we've already seen that in this post.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rubio never get the Hispanic vote anyway........

Rand Paul won't get the nod either, too much crazy baggage from daddy that he will always tote around. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I agree with you there. Rubio doesn't speak Mexican ... he'll get rejected by Latinos in Texas same way Cruz was.

Also I believe that by the time the next cycle rolls around, Rand Paul will have a record that makes his Daddy's look tame by comparison.
I agree with you there. Rubio doesn't speak Mexican ... he'll get rejected by Latinos in Texas same way Cruz was.

Also I believe that by the time the next cycle rolls around, Rand Paul will have a record that makes his Daddy's look tame by comparison. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Just because he doesn't speak spanish means nothing. The mayor of San Antonio (Julian Castro, the new liberal rising star) doesn't speak a lick of Spanish.