STD Testing

Oh, come and get it baby!
Lol, thanks anova. your pic as well, makes me wanna ride your ass Originally Posted by LAVixian
I get tested at Planned Parenthood. there office is very clean and the Nurse Practitioners are very professional and kind.
I'm very careful who I see and what activities occur. With the "gestation" period of 6 to 12 months, I don't find it necessary to test more than every 3 months.
Since you can print anything off the Internet. I'll be happy to look at your paper however, I will continue to pay closer attention to my instincts and that little voice inside my head.
Since you can print anything off the Internet. I'll be happy to look at your paper however, I will continue to pay closer attention to my instincts and that little voice inside my head.
Bing Bing Bing.... You said it, " You can print anything off the internet"! Hell, most of HobyLand uses aliases, and some, aliases have aliases. If you don't know who he is, and thats part of the hobby, then he can hand you whatever he choses, and say it's him. If you check out documents on Scribid, Frostwire, any shareware..there is someone's perfect Labwork.
Personally I test every 3 months, and I have medical background; and I never ignore my gut feeling. If I get 6 inches away, and see/hear/smell/feel/or sense any thing unappetizing; I decline. This is for BBBj, and I always have shower and towels ready. If they dont consider my health, comfort, and pleasure..then they dont belong here, & I have no issues telling anyone to move around...
Hey, ANOVA, is the Planned Parenthood testing confidential/anonymous? How much does it typically cost? Thanks. Great thread
robs4.1's Avatar
I just wanted to take a few minutes and say thank you to everyone who has responded and put in their thoughts on the subject. The more info and thoughts the better we can be as hobbyist to all the providers. Thank you.
Iceman's Avatar
Just because you ask, doesn't mean you'll get an honest answer.
robs4.1's Avatar
Just because you ask, doesn't mean you'll get an honest answer. Originally Posted by Iceman

I'm thinking that is quite obvious to all of us lol
...I would happily supply my paper work to every client I see provided they have their own to show me as well... Originally Posted by Cece Sinclaire
Cece, that puts a whole new spin on, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"!
I feel completely the opposite.

Wait, not on the getting tested regularly part -- I'm all for that. I'm an every three months gal myself. But as far as discussing or showing STD testing results with a client/provider? No way!

If someone showed me his STD testing results, I'd apologize that he misunderstood the nature of our meeting, return his money, and leave. If "What sort of condoms should I bring?" would be an LE red flag for you, why wouldn't discussing/trading STD testing results be the same? If the police want to arrest you for engaging in prostitution, they pretty much will, but don't make it even easier for them.

There's also the personal security risks of handing someone sheets of paper with your full name, address, doctor's office, etc. on them (especially a risk for the ladies, who don't regularly give out that info as clients may have already done for screening). Besides, as others have mentioned, they can be forged. And lastly, you can be infected between the time you're tested and you get/show the results, or at the time of testing you could have been in an incubation phase and therefore showed negative, so as far as an "I'm clean RIGHT NOW" proof ... that doesn't really exist when you're having sex with multiple partners.

In short, nice idea, but ultimately useless and not worth the risk.

Edited to add:
Here's a link to a site with the typical incubation periods:
robs4.1's Avatar
So, what does one do w/all the problems of their being able to just print out info or not wanting to share personal info?. Is there a safe way of knowing, other than both of you just knowing that you each are telling the truth?. I guess that their is a way to ask but no way to really know.
This is a very good thread. Information that everyone needs to read. No, there is no way to be sure, all you can do is take the best precautions you can and trust your instincts. No one is going to believe your paper anyway, it is too easy to fake up now days.

That's my story and I am sticking to it
I feel completely the opposite.

Wait, not on the getting tested regularly part -- I'm all for that. I'm an every three months gal myself. But as far as discussing or showing STD testing results with a client/provider? No way!

If someone showed me his STD testing results, I'd apologize that he misunderstood the nature of our meeting, return his money, and leave. If "What sort of condoms should I bring?" would be an LE red flag for you, why wouldn't discussing/trading STD testing results be the same? If the police want to arrest you for engaging in prostitution, they pretty much will, but don't make it even easier for them.

There's also the personal security risks of handing someone sheets of paper with your full name, address, doctor's office, etc. on them (especially a risk for the ladies, who don't regularly give out that info as clients may have already done for screening). Besides, as others have mentioned, they can be forged. And lastly, you can be infected between the time you're tested and you get/show the results, or at the time of testing you could have been in an incubation phase and therefore showed negative, so as far as an "I'm clean RIGHT NOW" proof ... that doesn't really exist when you're having sex with multiple partners.

In short, nice idea, but ultimately useless and not worth the risk.

Edited to add:
Here's a link to a site with the typical incubation periods: Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest

So, what does one do w/all the problems of their being able to just print out info or not wanting to share personal info?. Is there a safe way of knowing, other than both of you just knowing that you each are telling the truth?. I guess that their is a way to ask but no way to really know. Originally Posted by robs38
Nope. There is no way of knowing. What may have been true one minute may not be true the next. If you want to be safe, stop having sex. Completely. If you can't stop having sex, take as many precautions as possible w/o impairing the sex drive. In the end, life's a crap shoot. You can be STD/HIV-free, and get killed in an accident. Or get leukemia and die a horrible death. Or have prostate cancer (not you, ladies) for which you've received surgery, and can't perform anymore.

Worrying about STDs is nearly as futile as worrying about all the other sicknesses that can affect you. What will be will be.
A friend asked me a question regarding STD testing and anonymity. The question boiled down to:
Why, if you test positive for an STD(HIV,Herpes, etc.) will they report it to your State Board of Health?
1. To show that the person in question, that tested positive, is being treated in a timely manner by the clinic that that discovered the STD

2. If you are found to have knowingly spread and STD, you(hopefully)may be prosecuted.
listerinestrips99's Avatar
Window Period:
Similar to all infections including a cold, flu, or STD infections, there is a period of time between the day you are infected and when you start to feel sick or a test can find the infection in your body. This time period is called the "window period". The window period for STD tests are:
  • Urine-based tests (Chlamydia & Gonorrhea) are usually 3-5 days (7 at most)
  • Blood-based tests (Herpes, Syphilis, & Hepatitis) are 3-6 weeks
  • HIV can be between 3-6 months
I got this from the online anonymous test site. I pay $245 for the full panel using a credit card which you can put any name on. (if you only want say chlamydia and gonnorhea, you can actaully do it at home as you just need to pee in a cup).

You go to the lab you choose at any time after you purchase the test and you can view your results online in a few days. It is practically anonymous except they will see your face during the test. But it need not be your real name.

Be safe and have fun
robs4.1's Avatar
The only safe way as someone already mentioned is to abstain. I'm thinking that its is quite apparent that we as hobbyists/providers are not going to abstain. We all know that, that is the only way to be completely safe but as someone else mentioned as well their is always going to be a risk of something. The whole reason I started this thread was as I said I had a scare I wanted to know what others thought and their has been some very good information and thoughts put into the thread. The only way to play is play safe as said on the commercials wrap it up every time. Be safe, have fun and most of all enjoy your time spent w/whomever you set an appointment with.
So, providers...and hobbyists, for that matter...if you get a positive test result, do you notify your hobby partner(s)?