Where is Greggo?

pyramider's Avatar
Greggo rarely comes up with anything worthwhile. He is living off his past reputation as a radio personality.
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
Greggo rarely comes up with anything worthwhile. He is living off his past reputation as a radio personality. Originally Posted by pyramider
Agreed, the Hardline got better the day he was fired. I've never listened to him since his Ticket divorce and likely never will.
TinMan's Avatar
"No comment" from management does not sound good. As we learned when he left the Ticket, medical privacy laws prevent them from saying anything if indeed he has relapsed.

I'm amazed at how well the Hardline did after the Hammer left the building. I really thought they'd lose steam, but they haven't lost a step. I'm still a P1, but I do check out Rage from time to time (usually on Ticket commercial breaks) and have found it surprisingly listenable. Greggo and Richie have decent chemistry.

I've ended up pulling for the guy while retaining my proud P1 status. I really hope he hasn't fallen off the wagon again, but we all know how hard it is to shake addiction...right?
dan.uncut's Avatar
The real problem is The Fan's PR. I can understand not commenting while the dust is still in the air, but they're going so far as to delete people...er fan comments and questions, on their Facebook page. Idiotic.
TinMan's Avatar
That's not good. Sounds more and more like his old demons have come back to haunt him.

If so, it will be really interesting to see how Richie reacts publicly. Remember how he called out the Hardline for not standing behind their colleague and friend after they had been lied to no telling how many times? I wonder how easy it will be for him to turn the other cheek if indeed the shoe is on the other foot.
muthaship's Avatar
Shoe on the other foot, turn the other cheek...oh the clichés, oh the horror!!!!!


That's not good. Sounds more and more like his old demons have come back to haunt him.

If so, it will be really interesting to see how Richie reacts publicly. Remember how he called out the Hardline for not standing behind their colleague and friend after they had been lied to no telling how many times? I wonder how easy it will be for him to turn the other cheek if indeed the shoe is on the other foot. Originally Posted by TinMan
TinMan's Avatar
Hey, it's Saturday morning. I'm not feeling particularly creative in my prose. So sue me.
muthaship's Avatar
But u r absolutely correct.
Wordsmith's Avatar
I want to apologize to all my fans out there.
slims099's Avatar
"No comment" is not good at all. Maybe he's back down in his drugged up hole. I always thought Richie and Greggo had a good chemistry.
TinMan's Avatar
One of the other rumors going around is that he told a caller to go fuck himself after the caller insulted Greg's friend Chris Kyle, which resulted in Greggo's suspension.

While on the surface that is credible, the station would be doing itself no favors by not making a statement if that is the real story. Even the Fan isn't that stupid, I don't think, so the medical privacy reason for their silence is still the most likely IMO.
One of the all time funniest clips from that show was when they played a prank on greggo and he went ballistic not knowing it was a joke. I dont follow Greggo nor Richie on twitter but I wonder if they have tweeted on it.
He wore shoes with live goldfish in them
7Zark7's Avatar
Because The Fan sucks?

Sorry, tried it. Sucks Originally Posted by Lord Boltatron
What he said...big money and a FM signal can't compensate for crappy content/shows. I tried to get through a segment or two at different times/days/shows just doesn't compare to the little Ticket
I miss Greggo, but Richie and Fish are doing pretty well. I suspect a medical issue, but station can't comment due to privacy laws.