All very good points, I will consider every one. As for le,,, I agree that could be an issue, but when it come down to it I am really just letting friends use my place... Iam not at all offering any service at all. The hobbiest must choose his own provider and they are just using my place.., as for cost,,, it really won't be anymore then a nice hotel. But no credit cards with hotel names, I have other payment options. And as for staying there, I will have those options. But this is not really for profit, just a nice secret and private place to go. And where I have in mind EVERYTHING IS WALKING DISTANCE.... so having dinner with your favorite provider or just drinks,,,, then to the HOBBY HOUSE.. trees is correct in saying I have many things to work out... It's a process and I am taking some time to put it together... Worse case I will just have a pimp pad to play in.. Let's see... Nice hotel not in cracksville, about 75 , not so nice bed shitty tub and no nice feel... Play twice a week 600 month.. No drinks on hand,,, no food for that special provider.... No toys ... So I double that and if I choose can have several providers any time and bad ass bed and tub ,, food drinks toys and privacy and comfort,,, no nosy people... So if it does not work with a volume of people that is fine, because I don't want many people involved, I want certain people that I can trust and want a nice place for the higher end providers,,,, thx everyone n all the great points... I sign the lease tomorrow and we will see... Peace
Originally Posted by Mata Leon
That's your biggest hurdle right there. You trusting them but more importantly them trusting you. You say screening, finances etc.... I'm not sharing my info with anyone, not you, not a provider, not a screening site. I'd rather spend 1000 a month on hotels then pay you 300 a month and give you one piece of information.
Secondly your math is whacked out. How many hobbyist do you think hobby twice a week and get a hotel to do it? If I was hobbying that much doing outcalls only then I'd already have a place. The guys that do hobby that much do incalls. Why would guys pay extra to do outcalls. I think most of the guys that do outcalls do them because they are traveling or because they bring ladies to their own places. The other group that does them are guys who bang strippers for multi hours on the cheap like I mentioned in previous post. We do that to get more for our buck though and again your plan would have to make that happen or it kills the margins. Since the last time it was a prominent king of such that couldn't make it happen I can't see how those guys would want in either.
Again non of this should matter to you because as you've stated you got the mean's and you plan to get the place anyways. It just doesn't sound like you are going to find much help to pay for it.