You know what I hate, I hate it when one side accuses the other of waste, fraud and abuse. I know that LM was responding to this because JG said conservatives are against waste, fraud and abuse, but you see these statements all the time and its really pretty stupid. For every Republican who is guilty of one of these issues there is a Democrat, none worse than the other, both parties equally guilty. How can we expect our government to work in a bi-partison manner if we cannot even do it in our discussions. You know, sometimes, Democrats have good ideas and sometimes Republicans do as well. Isnt it time to begin judging the idea on its merrits, rather than its political oritentation. I have some ideas which would be considered very conservative, I also have ideas which would be considered ultra liberal. Which one does that make me? Isnt it time we stopped basing our political ideologies against the back drop of Sean Hanity, Rush Linbuagh, Chris Matthews, Keith Oberman, CNN and FOX news, why do we allow them to dictate what a conservative is or what a liberal is. Isnt it time for reasonable men to make reasonable decisions based on the needs of the country, rather than making our decisions fall within the "box" of ideology that is dicated to us by the self proclaimed leaders of the conservative or liberal movements.
Well I am done with my rant, this is not the America I knew when I was growing up, in some ways this is good (improved racial equality) and in someways its bad (increased intolerance, anger and selfishness) a key part of the American dream is gone and that is the part where people were willing to sacrafice their own beliefs for the good of America as a whole.