observation on media coverage of politicians

I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, took me ten seconds worth of google searching to completely fuck your shit up the last time you posted up on this nonsense.

Nothing has changed. You're an idiot and there are news outlets on both sides of the fence. The difference is that: (1) you guys started it; and (2) you're a bunch of fucking crybaby-ass bitches when somebody uses the same tactics against you.

Fuck you...and the horse you rode in on. Originally Posted by timpage
Back-up your bullshit allegations with proper citations, Little Timmy: if you can. The MSM distortion of events to portray Republicans in a negative light goes back at least to the Nixon administration when there were only three -- left leaning -- MSM networks.
one of the more telling aspects of liberal media bias is the lack of support of bob woodward lately.

imagine it was the nixon white house attacking him or the bush white house, wouldnt there be a steady drumbeat against the evilness of the white house and full on support for woodward?

now his fellow reporters are waiting for woodard to die and some expressing it. a junior blogger and liberal reporter for the wp such as ezra klien would never express support for bush's white house against the likes of woodward