I have to disagree with you. I have to travel all over West Texas, and Eastern New Mexico, and there are gas stations in the small towns. You need to know that Allsups are open all night, and some Stripes stores are open in some towns. If you are through towns after midnight, then you know what is open. There are few rest stops with bathrooms, but you have to know what roads have them. I can hit a small town with every within 15 to 30 minutes, and there are C-stores. There are numerous rest stops, but they are for big rigs.
I have drove to Midland, worked 8 to 10 hrs, and drove back home on the same day.
Well maybe I should have used Amarillo to Midland as my example I just know that it's out in the middle of no mans land lol. No cell phone coverage, slim to none rest stops or gas stations available between towns. Make sure to have flares in your vehicle in case you break down and snake bite anecdote and plenty of water lol.
Yes the El Paso folk are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there, I am onto the geography of the state.
I just think it would be more efficient is all
Originally Posted by Paven