Nixon's Treason and LBJ's Gutlessness

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Jeanette Rankin voted against the declaration of war in World War I........and World War II as well.

So Randy proved my point. When LBJ is president it is "treason" to interfere with presidential perogatives but it is not treason (I guess because its Nixon) when the Congress withdraws from a treaty agreement signed off on by the president and an earier congress. So we all know where Randy is coming from. I expect Randy to be standing outside the White House on the first day of the next GOP president.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There won't be another GOP president. They are too concerned about nominating someone who is "electable".
chefnerd's Avatar
The only chance the GOP has in electing a president is to find someone who will tell the WERFs to take a hike a hike, get out of their face, and come to grips with the real world of the 21st century.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Then the first Tea Party president.
chefnerd's Avatar
The TEA Party is controlled by the WERFs. Barry Goldwater knew that the GOP would succumb to that. The TEA Party is just a microcosm of the WERFs
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Jeanette Rankin voted against the declaration of war in World War I........and World War II as well.

So Randy proved my point. When LBJ is president it is "treason" to interfere with presidential perogatives but it is not treason (I guess because its Nixon) when the Congress withdraws from a treaty agreement signed off on by the president and an earier congress. So we all know where Randy is coming from. I expect Randy to be standing outside the White House on the first day of the next GOP president. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Francis the Talking Corneyhole, I appreciate the fact that you would like me to prove points you are incapable of proving, BUT, ALAS, it is not to be. One more time, Congress (more specifically the Senate) is Constitutionally charged with the responsibility for authorizing treaties and a sitting Congress is THE Congress. If you are going to pick up a tool, please know how to use it.

As far as standing outside the gates of the White House when a Republican't President moves in, anything's possible - especially if I need to take a piss.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
we went into Vietnam under the counterinsurgency program to prevent the spread of communism like we did in Korea. We left Korea with the 2nd largest land army and it has held for over 50 years