Refunding a client????

The fact that he keeps calling everyday in spite of your clear NO answer tells us that you are just dealing with an unstable individual. There is no rationalizing with or appeasing such an individual.

Offer him the option of a partial refund if he willing to first be outed on the boards for this behavior (He must be willing to admit to the behavior publicly first) otherwise tell him to bug off and add him to call block.

Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to be in an intimate compromised position again with this guy whether freebie or paid. If he can't rise to the occasion a second time he might just take it out on you.
Here's a thought... How much time did he pay for? If he paid for an hour and left 30 into it maybe u are able to give home the difference in time... Charge hm for a hh and give Hume an hour... Or charge home for another session and give him the extra time... If he did use all his time then it's on him... It's our job to perform if the provider is at least trying.. If she is lame then it's another question...
It sounds like he maybe had a previous bad experience. I agree with everyone here. Best of luck to u doll!

That would weird me out enough to think he was possibly LE. I definately would not have discussed the exchange of $, for that reason alone. Now, if he voiced some dissapointment after meeting but before any activities began I would have given $ back.
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Hahaha refunds... Couldn't perform or couldn't finish?
I would not dream of asking for a refund once services are provided. I had the SAME experience last night, and it was quite embarrassing, but my provider worked hard to achieve the desired goal. Expecting her to refund me after that effort would be ridiculous

Offering a second attempt would be purely up to you. If you feel it's worth doing, go for it. I'm sure it would be appreciated, but in NO WAY are you obligated to offer it.

I certainly wish my provider last night had offered it, because she was great and I'd love to have a more fulfilling experience with her, but i didn't expect it in the slightest.
if you put in the time that is your dime.