
this just a train wreck I cant stop looking at!!

yes, I too, have fallen for a Provider or two my 20 years of doing this but at the end of the day I was slapped in the face with reality!!!! I am just as fuking nutz as any Provider so like they say oil and water do not mix well.. I tend to go with that....

once you pay a woman for sex they will hard pressed to see it any other way..
Whispers's Avatar
That you are pouring gas on a fire & putting a very valued person in potential harms way by encouraging continued behavior... Originally Posted by Toyz
Are you totally sure You are not one ALSO infatuated with a lady not realizing that her hand is on the gas hose?.....
What - the - fuck . I stretched out my fingers real good and popped my back , just giddy and ready for your response ... and that is all I got ? Bitch please. Why the fuck were you in my inbox a while back if you have not seen anything you wanted to feel around your numb little dick ? Nice try numb nuts.
Dammit ! I have been so enthralled in our little chat , I ignored a few pms and missed out on a meeting. In that sense ... you have won this round my stubby little friend. Oh yes , you have won this round.
Jay Walker's Avatar

Knowing someone's "real self".... coming to care for someone...... developing true feelings for them.....

here in the hobby.....


People let their professional demeanor as well as their personal guard down.

If it leads to you being so close to someone that you see a problem and feel the need to help.....

Then you must certainly reach out to that person and offer them that help.

What happens next though is the bigger struggle for you as a person.

There is that old adage.... You can't help someone that does not want help......

Her "inner self" that you see might not be the dominant part of her psyche and if she is unwilling to accept that help or wants that help then you have to respect it for the time and sit on the sidelines and watch for some sign that she may be ready in the future....

THAT is very, very hard at times.

She could be torn..... talking to you and thinking that perhaps you represent an out at one moment...... at another seeing your persistence as something closer to obsession.....

No one here knows what transpired or continues to transpire between the two of you.

A suggestion to you TxAustin202.....

You offered...... She knows you have..... Stop and pause and ask yourself if all of this exploded and invaded your personal life costing you the respect of friends, family or loved ones..... if it hurt others in your life to know of your involvement "trying to save some whore".... (THAT is what you will hear from people that do not understand.... from a family member or loved one that finds out about your involvement..)

Then you need to step back..... She knows where you are and how to reach you.... If in time she is ready and you've given her no reason to doubt the sincerity of your offer.... You may hear from her.....

YOU NEED to, HAVE to pause and think about those around you because YOUR actions have set some events in progress and innocents could end up involved unknowingly....

On the other hand sir,.... If you lead a life alone in total control of your environment and unconcerned for anyone knowing who you are and what you do in your personal time..... and if you feel your actions are justified and needed..... then seek out the consel of someone you respect and trust and get a 2nd opinion on the events and then if you STILL feel your intervention is needed...... then to hell with public opinion.... Only YOU have to live with YOURself and your actions....

A suggestion to others.......

The ladies involved in this "hobby" of ours are often unstable both emotionally as well as mentally..... Your GFE from last night MAY have went home and scrubbed her body with a brillo pad until it was red and she bled in total disgust of the event she seemed to so enjoy with you....... You simply never know..... But they are indeed ladies with emotions and feelings.....

Some hate it and look for an out at every opportunity.... Some find that way out and unfortunately the aspect of taking that step is scarier than the life they lead and sit on the fence about it for years.....

You get such a small look into their true beings guys.....

Not everyone that asks for help truly wants much more than the attention it brings them....

Tread lightly and be sure of yourselves......

Although I have met both of the people involved in this developing crisis I really do not KNOW either of them..... I very much dislike TxAustin202's posting habits as well as many of his opinions as presented here and I think he goes to extremes at times. As much as I would enjoy seeing him handed his ass on a platter by others I could not enjoy it if it were not totally justified.....

Posturing, threatening, laying out potential scenarios is one thing...... Knocking on someone's door in real life and bringing THIS reality home to them is an extreme step....

Possibly too extreme...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Read and re read. Since he is now pussy whipped, I fear such sage advise will become a thing of the past. Well said Whispers. I could not agree more.
Whispers's Avatar
Hate to break up the little hug fest here but you guys are whacko. Get over it dude, you fell for a hooker, and got to know her on a personal level. Inner struggles? Seriously? I can assure you that any woman who sells herself in the sex industry has inner struggles. Your "friend" is not unique in this area. She is fucked up and you aren't going to fix her. You show up, put your money down, fuck, and then leave. Not that I haven't fallen madly in love with a hooker or two over the years, but I digress. Just as soon as she starts paying YOU, to come by and hang out or spend time with her, then you MIGHT argue that you are not just another trick brother.

And what reasonably minded hooker would support such stalker like behavior on a public forum. You should discourage this type of shit girlfriend. You might be next. What the hell is wrong with you?

Y'all's just plain crazy. Me, Ima go back to pimpin'

$400, no oral or kissing at all. Lemme know if you want some of that stupid shit. Originally Posted by Jay Walker

Yeah.... What he said!
Whispers's Avatar
If I want to glue my nipples to my knee caps and charge you $700 bucks to tweak 'em , I'll do that also. How ya love them apples. Originally Posted by purtybaby

Ok.. Sorry if this is not the place but that sounds like it would be kind of cool to watch you do...... If I can roll you over on your knees and get 3 hours for the $700 that is a review I would like to write!

Two sides to every story folks...... TxAustin202 DOES have supporters... like it or not.
Oh you should see what I do with my pinky toes and caulk
Jay Walker's Avatar
What - the - fuck . I stretched out my fingers real good and popped my back , just giddy and ready for your response ... and that is all I got ? Bitch please. Why the fuck were you in my inbox a while back if you have not seen anything you wanted to feel around your numb little dick ? Nice try numb nuts. Originally Posted by purtybaby
Nice. You've exposed the real you, and you clearly have some ghetto in you girl. Straight up calling me a "bitch" and shit? Little dick, numb nuts? Damn! You a classy hoe girl.

And let's not be confused, I have never been, "the fuck" in your in box. Physically impossible, and yet another incredibly stupid statement. Have another look, and you'll find that not only have I never been in your inbox, but that I've never left a message there either. Why would I? Like I said, I can deal with stupid if you're at least hot.

Uh huh? Dat's right girl! Let's see some more of that ignorant ghetto girl that you really are.
Get the fuck off with the buzz word of the minute , its not stalker behavior. It was a post on a public forum... whoooaaa scary shit right there. I think its funny so many people act so up in arms about this situation. Like its not common , and as Jay said himself , like you have not done it or flirted with the idea. You learned your lesson , let him learn his. I dont know the situation but let me take a guess as this shit happens every day. Girl whispers sweet nothings in gents ear.... sees he is responsive .... and as he starts to develop feelings , she stokes the flame , keeps it warm and nurses it on here teet to a blazing inferno. Girl milks gent for what she can get , when she can no longer keep up the charade she bolts, gent feeling hurt reaches out for here , he cant understand why she has changed her tune so quickly , gent looks like a crazy fool because well frankly who the fuck hasnt been lead to do outlandish , more extreme then normal things in the name of matters of the heart ( I will not be as presumptious to say love , this post is presumptious enough on its own) Girls cries stalker and gets the sympathy of everyone. Now I have written this whole , long thing and I forgot the point of the post this was in response to and I forgot what I was fighting about. I dont know how yall do this back n forth shit all the time , its exhausting. I will say this , I dont know the situation at all like i said , I do know the times I have met this gent he has been nothing but gentle , kind and respectful and completely normal. I support whatever the fuck I want , get that ? My account , my post , my biz , my vagina. If I want to glue my nipples to my knee caps and charge you $700 bucks to tweak 'em , I'll do that also. How ya love them apples. Originally Posted by purtybaby

That sounds about right.

I'm so sorry Space. You have been a great coach on being more moderate, but you know that I hate stupidity. I was a 5 year undergraduate so I don't exactly set the bar all that high, but my God, this one can't go unnoticed.

How incredibly stupid is she? Ezra is at least stupid and hot, but this one doesn't really have the hot thing going on to balance out the stupid. Is it just me, or did she really just say that it's no "ones" business, yet I think it's cool that you posted it? EPIC STUPID no?

Girl, you really do need to become less stupid, or more hot. I'm stunned. Wow? Originally Posted by Jay Walker

I'd agree with this too although it does pain me to agree with such an ass hat.
@purtybaby -

I appreciate what you're trying to do here. I am about as outside an observer as one can get and still have a pretty good idea of what's going on (admittedly second-third hand, but then again that's true of everyone)

The provider in question (why no one is mentioning who it actually is I have no idea, since she retired some time ago) for a while last year was very much The New Hotness, and a large part of that was because she was very good at one part of her job - convincing men that she really, really cared about them. There were a LOT of guys who fell for her, and she took that and ran with it (all the way to, from what I heard, a full-time SB situation in another city).

We hobbyists all like to pretend we're hard-bitten and have no emotion whatsoever to get in the way of our 500 reviews each containing 5 or more pops, but most of us do aspire to some sort of human contact at a very minimum when we see a provider. There are some who actually are friendly and sympathetic (and I number many of them my friends to this day) and there are some who are very good at *appearing* friendly and sympathetic. You can usually tell the latter because they are the ones who have people posting lovesick threads in Co-Ed 7 months later.

Why is that? Because the providers who are *actually* your friends know that boundaries exist for a reason. Originally Posted by Qziz
I agree with this as well. So much fucking wisdom in a thread.
Oh baby , I have ghetto in me indeed. Thats whats so fucking cool about me ! I am pretty as they come , dress to kill and look like the girl next store that everyone wants to fuck.If you cross me though , I will get ghetto on your ass with a quickness. Is this better ... I called you a bitch simply because you display bitch like behavior and bitch like tendencies. The bitchness that comes out in your posts are evident like the stain you would leave on your dockers after you blew your little load in the crotch with room to spare after seeing me on the street. You know you messaged me you dumbass. You are right though , I cant attest to the fact you have a little dick, its just that when people talk out of their ass as you do its generally a symptom of little dick syndrome . Red dat rite der on dat Web Md ya heard.
fun2come's Avatar
I was also in your inbox because I am an asshole running for the NEWBIE of the YEAR ASSHOLE award.
Do I get extra points if I PM again in a few weeks?
Oh baby , I have ghetto in me indeed. Thats whats so fucking cool about me ! I am pretty as they come , dress to kill and look like the girl next store that everyone wants to fuck.If you cross me though , I will get ghetto on your ass with a quickness. Is this better ... I called you a bitch simply because you display bitch like behavior and bitch like tendencies. The bitchness that comes out in your posts are evident like the stain you would leave on your dockers after you blew your little load in the crotch with room to spare after seeing me on the street. You know you messaged me you dumbass. You are right though , I cant attest to the fact you have a little dick, its just that when people talk out of their ass as you do its generally a symptom of little dick syndrome . Red dat rite der on dat Web Md ya heard. Originally Posted by purtybaby
I'm so so on this one. There are some funny points and i agree that jay is an annoying little prick.

As for the beginning.................
Whispers's Avatar
I agree with this as well. So much fucking wisdom in a thread. Originally Posted by homer13
Most of the wisdom here, unfortunately, is NOT as much about "fucking"..... as it is the aftermath that "fucking" can lead to....

Some ladies should come with a tramp stamp that reads "You must be Emotionally Mature and well balanced to ride this ride" .... Some guys can't handle the "WOW" factor....

Then we could set up a Quality Assurance Department to be sure of compliance....