GOP Senator Sponsors Measure Calling For U.S. Withdrawal From The U.N.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
US News and World Report. Another internet "nut job".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Once again you’re demonstrating that you’re a dumb-ass, moronic hypocrite, you shit-for-brains golem fuck. You brought fecal matter into the conversation when you posted “Corpy”, you shit-for-brains golem fuck; plus, read your signature line, jackass, you introduce fecal matter into the conversation every time you post!

BTW, you shit-for-brains golem fuck, golems are subhuman pieces of animated shit; as such, they do not "think." So once again you're demonstrating how your ASSumptions are always ignorant and wrong.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The valet just called, Corpy. They just brought up your HUFF.

I never mentioned feces until you did, Corpy. Just pointed out how obsessed you are with it, Corpy. You had a (fill in the blank here)-fit, Corpy.

Don't stay in a HUFF, Corpy! You may not have a lot of friends on here, but you've got enemas out the ass!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

In fact, I remember when Americans used to protect Americans. These clowns chose to support the UN over the US. Time for them to be voted out.

Would you like to meet the Democrats that voted to destroy your Second Amendment rights? Would you like to meet those traitorous Senators that voted to give the power over your rights to the United Nations?

Fortunately, the odious, anti-American treaty was again voted down by the full Senate, but 46 Senators voted in favor of handing over our Constitutional rights to the UN.

Below is the list of Democrats that voted against the amendment and in favor of the UN being given the power to overturn the U.S. Constitution.

Baldwin (D WI)
Baucus (D MT)
Bennet (D CO)
Blumenthal (D CT)
Boxer (D CA)
Brown (D OH)
Cantwell (D WA)
Cardin (D MD)
Carper (D DE)
Casey (D PA)
Coons (D DE)
Cowan (D MA)
Durbin (D IL)
Feinstein (D CA)
Franken (D MN)
Gillibrand (D NY)
Harkin (D IA)
Hirono (D HI)
Johnson (D SD)
Kaine (D VA)
King (I ME)
Klobuchar (D MN)
Landrieu (D LA) Leahy (D VT)
Levin (D MI)
McCaskill (D MO)
Menendez (D NJ)
Merkley (D OR)
Mikulski (D MD)
Murphy (D CT)
Murray (D WA)
Nelson (D FL)
Reed (D RI)
Reid (D NV)
Rockefeller (D WA)
Sanders (I VT)
Schatz (D HI)
Shaheen (D NH)
Stabenow (D MI)
Udall (D CO)
Udall (D NM)
Warner (D VA)
Warren (D MA)
Whitehouse (D RI)
Wyden (D OR)

chefnerd's Avatar
The last time I saw the arguments put forth like this was when I was in high school. At that time however, said arguments were put forth by the John Birch Society and my then Congressman James Utt. An organization and person who could make the current TEA party look moderate. Then again, Mr. Utt was succeeded after his death by John Schmitz, who left the GOP to form the American Independent Party because the GOP was not conservative enough (or perhaps fascist enough) for him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So it's fascist to oppose the UN?
chefnerd's Avatar
I did not say that. I merely pointed out the last time I heard those arguments presented.
BigLouie's Avatar
You WILL have a civil war on your hands. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Yes when the UN starts to take people's battle tanks and combat aircraft I am sure people are going to be upset.
It's impossible to have a rational discussion about the issue with these idiots, don't even try.

The treaty would have zero effect on the purchase of firearms for personal use by US citizens. It's purpose, as reflected in the very article that the silly old man linked, is to limit arms sales to rogue countries such as North Korea, Syria, etc.

So, as usual, the OP and the followups by the silly old man are misleading to say the least.....and calling them outright lies is probably more accurate.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I was saving this one for the gun control thread, but I figured it'd work just as well here:

Yssup Rider's Avatar

In fact, I remember when Americans used to protect Americans. These clowns chose to support the UN over the US. Time for them to be voted out.

Would you like to meet the Democrats that voted to destroy your Second Amendment rights? Would you like to meet those traitorous Senators that voted to give the power over your rights to the United Nations?

Fortunately, the odious, anti-American treaty was again voted down by the full Senate, but 46 Senators voted in favor of handing over our Constitutional rights to the UN.

Below is the list of Democrats that voted against the amendment and in favor of the UN being given the power to overturn the U.S. Constitution.

Baldwin (D WI)
Baucus (D MT)
Bennet (D CO)
Blumenthal (D CT)
Boxer (D CA)
Brown (D OH)
Cantwell (D WA)
Cardin (D MD)
Carper (D DE)
Casey (D PA)
Coons (D DE)
Cowan (D MA)
Durbin (D IL)
Feinstein (D CA)
Franken (D MN)
Gillibrand (D NY)
Harkin (D IA)
Hirono (D HI)
Johnson (D SD)
Kaine (D VA)
King (I ME)
Klobuchar (D MN)
Landrieu (D LA) Leahy (D VT)
Levin (D MI)
McCaskill (D MO)
Menendez (D NJ)
Merkley (D OR)
Mikulski (D MD)
Murphy (D CT)
Murray (D WA)
Nelson (D FL)
Reed (D RI)
Reid (D NV)
Rockefeller (D WA)
Sanders (I VT)
Schatz (D HI)
Shaheen (D NH)
Stabenow (D MI)
Udall (D CO)
Udall (D NM)
Warner (D VA)
Warren (D MA)
Whitehouse (D RI)
Wyden (D OR)

Read more at Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LOVE YOUR CHOICE OF WORDS, WHINY! The UN overturning the US constitution! LMAO!

Again the UN has NO legal authority over the US government. You know it.

So why all the carping, whining and crying wolf.

Unless, possibly the proliferation of automatic weapons on the streets of our country is viewed by the world as a threat to humanity.

Still, please explain how the UN can enforce any resolution on the US. or the World Court for that matter.

It's a lie and we ALL know it.

But it is entertaining to see you lose your mind like this!

Carry on, statesman!
I B Hankering's Avatar
The valet just called, Corpy. They just brought up your HUFF.

I never mentioned feces until you did, Corpy. Just pointed out how obsessed you are with it, Corpy. You had a (fill in the blank here)-fit, Corpy.

Don't stay in a HUFF, Corpy! You may not have a lot of friends on here, but you've got enemas out the ass! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Suffice it to say you are a shit-for-brains, lying golem fuck, Assup the jackass. You posted "corpy" multiple times, jackass, and those posts convict you as a liar.

BTW, remember that flame-thread poll you started, you animated piece of shit? . . . the one that didn't work out for your dumb-ass as you intended? This should refresh your shit-for-brains memory of where you stand in this forum:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There you go, talking shit again, CORPY!

Pull 'em up, son!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Influence? What influence? Have you heard about the "children's rights" bill in the UN? It would give children the same rights as adults over things like bed times, punishments, schools, food, clothing, education, and religion. Which hell hole third world country is going to obey this law.

Jbravo, do some research. The Klan (you mentioned hoods) was against the idea of having armed black men. The Klan were some of the original gun control people.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm really surprised you liberals fall for this shit every time. I think this issue is brought up just to fuck with you guys while they hide their real agenda. Conservatives secretly love the UN for causing all those traffic problems in New York, and causing the Borough of Manhattan costly problems, and just use their stated oppositions to wring concessions out of you on other issues. Suckas!!
jbravo_123's Avatar
Influence? What influence? Have you heard about the "children's rights" bill in the UN? It would give children the same rights as adults over things like bed times, punishments, schools, food, clothing, education, and religion. Which hell hole third world country is going to obey this law.

Jbravo, do some research. The Klan (you mentioned hoods) was against the idea of having armed black men. The Klan were some of the original gun control people. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you seriously believe that we haven't used our standing in the United Nations to do anything that benefits our nation?

Are you also trying to seriously rewrite what the Klan stands (and has always stood) for even today? Go ask 100 people on the street what the KKK stands for. See how many of them will tell you "oh, they're only concerned citizens who are worried about african americans having guns" vs "they hate black people" or "they're white supremacists"